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  • Category : SCM
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  • Update : 2018-04-02
  • Size : 2.75mb
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  • Author :Re***
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MLX90614 infrared thermometer is shown on 1602
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
1602温度计\1602Temp 36226 2017-12-29
1602温度计\1602Temp.build_log.htm 358 2017-12-29
1602温度计\1602Temp.hex 10859 2017-12-29
1602温度计\1602Temp.lnp 147 2017-12-29
1602温度计\1602Temp.M51 35804 2017-12-29
1602温度计\1602Temp.uvgui.Remy-ThinkPad 74444 2017-12-29
1602温度计\1602Temp.uvgui.zhang 71456 2017-12-29
1602温度计\1602Temp.uvgui_zhang.bak 71468 2017-12-29
1602温度计\1602Temp.uvopt 8712 2017-12-29
1602温度计\1602Temp.uvproj 15072 2017-12-29
1602温度计\1602Temp_uvopt.bak 8716 2017-12-29
1602温度计\1602Temp_uvproj.bak 15248 2017-12-29
1602温度计\C Files\CalTem.c 2849 2014-06-25
1602温度计\C Files\CalTem.H 52 2014-06-25
1602温度计\C Files\dec2hex.c 1124 2017-12-28
1602温度计\C Files\dec2hex.H 39 2010-02-11
1602温度计\C Files\Delay.c 666 2014-11-27
1602温度计\C Files\Delay.H 67 2014-06-25
1602温度计\C Files\digitalLED.H 61 2010-02-09
1602温度计\C Files\main.c 6189 2014-12-03
1602温度计\C Files\reg51.h 9064 2014-05-07
1602温度计\C Files\SMBus_CM.c 5182 2014-11-28
1602温度计\C Files\SMBus_CM.H 624 2017-12-29
1602温度计\C Files\SMBus_OP.c 6677 2017-12-28
1602温度计\C Files\SMBus_OP.H 284 2014-12-03
1602温度计\CalTem.lst 5639 2017-12-29
1602温度计\CalTem.obj 1490 2017-12-29
1602温度计\dec2hex.lst 2842 2017-12-29
1602温度计\dec2hex.obj 841 2017-12-29
1602温度计\dec2hex.__i 113 2017-12-29
1602温度计\Delay.lst 1950 2017-12-29
1602温度计\Delay.obj 2147 2017-12-29
1602温度计\LCD.c 618 2017-12-29
1602温度计\LCD.H 414 2017-12-28
1602温度计\LCD.LST 2130 2017-12-29
1602温度计\LCD.OBJ 4580 2017-12-29
1602温度计\LCD.__i 60 2017-12-29
1602温度计\main.c 2255 2017-12-29
1602温度计\main.LST 4666 2017-12-29
1602温度计\main.OBJ 9568 2017-12-29
1602温度计\main.__i 61 2017-12-29
1602温度计\PCB\PCB.PrjPcb 32797 2017-12-29
1602温度计\PCB\PCB.PrjPcbStructure 46 2017-12-28
1602温度计\PCB\Project Logs for PCB\Temp PCB ECO 2017-12-28 18-13-35.LOG 5124 2017-12-28
1602温度计\PCB\Project Logs for PCB\Temp PCB ECO 2017-12-28 18-27-14.LOG 287 2017-12-28
1602温度计\PCB\Project Logs for PCB\Temp PCB ECO 2017-12-28 18-30-10.LOG 188 2017-12-28
1602温度计\PCB\Project Logs for PCB\Temp PCB ECO 2017-12-28 18-37-27.LOG 82 2017-12-28
1602温度计\PCB\Project Logs for PCB\Temp PCB ECO 2017-12-28 18-46-38.LOG 42 2017-12-28
1602温度计\PCB\Project Logs for PCB\Temp SCH ECO 2017-12-28 18-09-53.LOG 660 2017-12-28
1602温度计\PCB\Project Outputs for PCB\Design Rule Check - Temp.drc 9040 2017-12-28
1602温度计\PCB\Project Outputs for PCB\Design Rule Check - Temp.html 81835 2017-12-28
1602温度计\PCB\Temp.PcbDoc 839168 2017-12-29
1602温度计\PCB\Temp.PcbDoc.htm 8922 2017-12-28
1602温度计\PCB\Temp.PcbDocPreview 47802 2017-12-29
1602温度计\PCB\Temp.SchDoc 123392 2017-12-28
1602温度计\PCB\Temp.SchDocPreview 66882 2017-12-28
1602温度计\PCB\__Previews\Temp.PcbDocPreview 42028 2017-12-28
1602温度计\PCB\__Previews\Temp.SchDocPreview 60260 2017-12-28
1602温度计\SMBus_CM.lst 9671 2017-12-29
1602温度计\SMBus_CM.obj 7576 2017-12-29
1602温度计\SMBus_CM.__i 116 2017-12-29
1602温度计\SMBus_OP.lst 11802 2017-12-29
1602温度计\SMBus_OP.obj 7886 2017-12-29
1602温度计\SMBus_OP.__i 116 2017-12-29
1602温度计\STARTUP.A51 6376 2014-01-29
1602温度计\STARTUP.LST 14052 2017-12-29
1602温度计\STARTUP.OBJ 749 2017-12-29
1602温度计\sys.c 1783 2017-12-28
1602温度计\sys.h 309 2017-12-28
1602温度计\sys.LST 4092 2017-12-29
1602温度计\sys.OBJ 6409 2017-12-29
1602温度计\资料\90614.jpg 206857 2014-12-03
1602温度计\资料\GY-906-SCH.jpg 29800 2014-12-03
1602温度计\资料\HD44780驱动_smc1602a.pdf 58550 2016-12-11
1602温度计\资料\MLX90614.pdf 4810148 2014-10-18
1602温度计\资料\MLX90614和STC12C5604AD的SMBus&PWM 通信.pdf 503045 2010-06-10
1602温度计\资料\MLX90614的原理与应用.pdf 211159 2015-01-27
1602温度计\PCB\Project Logs for PCB 0 2017-12-29
1602温度计\PCB\Project Outputs for PCB 0 2017-12-29
1602温度计\PCB\__Previews 0 2017-12-29
1602温度计\C Files 0 2017-12-29
1602温度计\PCB 0 2017-12-29
1602温度计\资料 0 2017-12-29
1602温度计 0 2017-12-29
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