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Location : Home Downloads SourceCode Internet-Network Email Client


  • Category : Email Client
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  • Update : 2018-04-02
  • Size : 44kb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :白菜***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
POP protocol -Post Office Protocol, now commonly used is the third version, referred to as POP3, the default port number is 110. After POP3, the client is able to delete or download its own mail after logging on to the server. After downloading, the email client software can handle the mail locally, and the Outlook Express, which is installed by the Windows operating system by default, uses this mode of work. Actually, there are two protocols for sending and receiving mail, one is TCP, which is used for sending and receiving data, the other is POP3, which is used to parse the command transmitted.
Packet file list
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ReceiveMailTest 0 2018-01-25
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest 0 2018-01-25
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest.sln 934 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest.suo 12800 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\bin 0 2018-01-25
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\bin\Debug 0 2018-01-25
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\bin\Debug\ReceiveMailTest.exe 24576 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\bin\Debug\ReceiveMailTest.pdb 28160 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\bin\Debug\ReceiveMailTest.vshost.exe 5632 2005-11-11
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\Form1.cs 6550 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\Form1.Designer.cs 10725 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\Form1.resx 5814 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\obj 0 2018-01-25
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\obj\Debug 0 2018-01-25
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\obj\Debug\ReceiveMailTest.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 842 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\obj\Debug\ReceiveMailTest.exe 24576 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\obj\Debug\ReceiveMailTest.Form1.resources 180 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\obj\Debug\ReceiveMailTest.pdb 28160 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\obj\Debug\ReceiveMailTest.Properties.Resources.resources 180 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\obj\Debug\Refactor 0 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\obj\ReceiveMailTest.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 796 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\Program.cs 474 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\Properties 0 2018-01-25
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1186 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs 2886 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\Properties\Resources.resx 5612 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs 1100 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\Properties\Settings.settings 249 2008-12-27
ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest\ReceiveMailTest.csproj 3237 2008-12-27
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