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  • Category : matlab
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  • Update : 2018-04-04
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
the KSVD algorithm of dictionary learning. this rar contains a all of the algorithms related to the KSVD.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
images\barbara.png 185727 2011-11-03
images\boat.png 177762 2011-11-03
images\cameraman.tif 262750 2006-06-14
images\fingerprint.png 184561 2012-05-15
images\flinstones.png 174997 2012-05-15
images\house.png 34985 2011-11-03
images\house.tif 525106 2006-06-13
images\jetplane.tif 525106 2006-06-14
images\lake.tif 525106 2006-06-13
images\lena.png 151199 2011-11-03
images\lena_gray_512.tif 262598 2008-08-28
images\livingroom.tif 262750 2006-06-14
images\mandril_gray.tif 262750 2006-06-13
images\peppers256.png 40181 2011-11-03
images\peppers_gray.tif 525106 2006-06-14
images\pirate.tif 262750 2006-04-27
images\walkbridge.tif 525106 2006-06-14
images\woman_blonde.tif 262750 2006-04-27
images\woman_darkhair.tif 262750 2006-04-27
private\addtocols.c 1915 2011-09-28
private\addtocols.m 303 2011-09-28
private\addtocols.mexmaci64 9008 2012-04-04
private\addtocols.mexw32 6656 2011-10-03
private\addtocols.mexw64 7680 2012-06-06
private\add_dc.m 830 2011-09-28
private\col2imstep.c 3924 2011-09-28
private\col2imstep.m 1001 2011-09-28
private\col2imstep.mexmaci64 13104 2012-04-04
private\col2imstep.mexw32 7680 2011-10-03
private\col2imstep.mexw64 10240 2012-06-06
private\collincomb.c 4255 2011-09-28
private\collincomb.m 832 2011-09-28
private\collincomb.mexmaci64 9120 2012-04-04
private\collincomb.mexw32 7680 2011-10-03
private\collincomb.mexw64 9728 2012-06-06
private\countcover.m 1178 2011-09-28
private\dictdist.m 1839 2011-09-28
private\im2colstep.c 3388 2011-09-28
private\im2colstep.m 1341 2011-09-28
private\im2colstep.mexmaci64 13240 2012-04-04
private\im2colstep.mexw32 7168 2011-10-03
private\im2colstep.mexw64 9216 2012-06-06
private\imnormalize.m 477 2011-09-28
private\iswhole.m 470 2011-09-28
private\make.m 1096 2012-06-06
private\mexutils.c 2219 2011-09-28
private\mexutils.h 3655 2011-09-28
private\mexutils.mexw64 0 2012-06-06
private\myblas.c 12510 2011-09-28
private\myblas.h 14673 2011-09-28
private\normcols.m 346 2011-09-28
private\omp2mex.c 3490 2011-09-28
private\omp2mex.m 896 2011-09-28
private\omp2mex.mexmaci64 32072 2012-02-28
private\omp2mex.mexw32 20480 2011-10-03
private\omp2mex.mexw64 22528 2012-06-06
private\ompcore.c 12354 2011-09-28
private\ompcore.h 3118 2011-09-28
private\ompmex.c 2820 2011-09-28
private\ompmex.m 792 2011-09-28
private\ompmex.mexmaci64 32072 2012-02-28
private\ompmex.mexw32 19968 2011-10-03
private\ompmex.mexw64 22528 2012-06-06
private\ompprof.c 4523 2011-09-28
private\ompprof.h 3082 2011-09-28
private\omputils.c 1933 2011-09-28
private\omputils.h 2272 2011-09-28
private\printf.m 693 2011-09-28
private\reggrid.m 4708 2011-09-28
private\remove_dc.m 1019 2011-09-28
private\rowlincomb.c 3442 2011-09-28
private\rowlincomb.m 835 2011-09-28
private\rowlincomb.mexmaci64 9120 2012-04-04
private\rowlincomb.mexw32 7168 2011-10-03
private\rowlincomb.mexw64 9728 2012-06-06
private\sampgrid.m 2003 2011-09-28
private\SBSE____.TMP 9728 2012-03-21
private\secs2hms.m 671 2011-09-28
private\spdiag.m 732 2011-09-28
private\sprow.c 1800 2011-09-28
private\sprow.m 490 2011-09-28
private\sprow.mexmaci64 13776 2012-04-04
private\sprow.mexw32 7168 2011-10-03
private\sprow.mexw64 9728 2012-06-06
private\timerclear.m 1088 2011-09-28
private\timereta.m 2878 2011-09-28
private\timerinit.m 2729 2011-09-28
Batch_CoefROMP.m 9021 2012-09-12
Batch_OMP.m 4387 2012-09-25
CoROMP3.m 6477 2012-11-28
demoImproveD.m 11215 2013-01-08
denoiseImageKSVD.m 13009 2012-10-16
Figures.m 7355 2013-01-08
KSVD2LNS.m 13226 2012-10-16
MatlabOMP.m 3435 2012-07-10
my_im2col.m 624 2012-09-25
omp.m 5294 2011-09-28
omp2.m 6218 2011-09-28
OMPerr.m 1083 2006-12-11
readme.txt 1516 2012-11-28
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