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  • Category : ARM-PowerPC-ColdFire-MIPS
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  • Update : 2018-04-05
  • Size : 89kb
  • Downloaded :3次
  • Author :蓝天***
  • About : Nobody
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Achieve DALI master station function, DALI transceiver, parameter settings, etc.
Packet file list
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MASTER\config\burner.cmd 128 2004-07-07
MASTER\config\DALI_Master_v1.mak 2828 2004-07-07
MASTER\config\DALI_Master_v1.old 3695 2000-05-02
MASTER\config\DALI_Master_v1.prm 3697 2000-05-02
MASTER\config\default.env 448 2004-07-07
MASTER\config\EDOUT 0 2003-11-27
MASTER\config\make.bat 68 2004-07-07
MASTER\config\mssccprj.scc 197 2003-11-27
MASTER\config\Shortcut to make.bat.lnk 703 2003-11-27
MASTER\config\vssver.scc 144 2004-07-07
MASTER\err.log 11 2004-07-07
MASTER\HEX\aDALI_Master_v1.abs 7283 2004-07-07
MASTER\HEX\aDALI_Master_v1.s19 6010 2004-07-07
MASTER\HEX\DALI_Master_v1.abs 7283 2004-07-07
MASTER\HEX\DALI_Master_v1.s19 6012 2004-07-07
MASTER\HEX\Masterdata.hex 663 2003-09-18
MASTER\HEX\masteropt.hex 111 2003-09-30
MASTER\HEX\MasterPRG.hex 39505 2003-09-18
MASTER\HEX\ 4717 2004-04-07
MASTER\HEX\vssver.scc 96 2004-07-07
MASTER\master.wdb 16403 2003-11-27
MASTER\ 16373 2003-11-27
MASTER\master.wsp 4247 2003-11-27
MASTER\m_eprom.s19 6120 2000-05-04
MASTER\m_options.hex 43 2000-05-02
MASTER\object\DALI_Master_v1.abs 7283 2004-07-07
MASTER\object\ 68685 2004-07-07
MASTER\object\DALI_Master_v1.s19 6012 2004-07-07
MASTER\object\make.txt 956 2004-07-07
MASTER\project.ini 2689 2003-11-27
MASTER\source\adc.c 1612 1999-01-28
MASTER\source\adc.h 1102 1999-01-28
MASTER\source\adc_hr.h 1498 1999-01-28
MASTER\source\dali.bak 17394 1999-10-18
MASTER\source\dali_low_level.bak 4189 1999-10-15
MASTER\source\dali_low_level_master2.bak 2757 1999-11-16
MASTER\source\dali_low_level_master2.h 2762 1999-11-16
MASTER\source\dali_m2.bak 11582 2000-01-10
MASTER\source\dali_m2.c 11869 2004-07-07
MASTER\source\dali_m2.h 868 1999-12-16
MASTER\source\debug.c 1891 1999-08-20
MASTER\source\debug.h 1125 1999-09-01
MASTER\source\eep.c 1727 1999-03-11
MASTER\source\eep.h 1072 1999-03-11
MASTER\source\eep_hr.h 1551 1999-03-31
MASTER\source\globals.bak 1088 2000-03-13
MASTER\source\globals.h 1088 2000-05-17
MASTER\source\lib.h 2266 1999-01-29
MASTER\source\main.bak 3662 2000-01-10
MASTER\source\main.c 3877 2004-07-07
MASTER\source\map72331.c 9091 1999-03-11
MASTER\source\misc.c 1330 1999-01-28
MASTER\source\misc.h 1083 1999-01-28
MASTER\source\misc_hr.h 1573 1999-01-28
MASTER\source\ports.bak 3968 1999-11-15
MASTER\source\ports.c 3968 1999-11-15
MASTER\source\ports.h 1392 1999-11-15
MASTER\source\ports_hr.h 2887 1999-01-28
MASTER\source\sci.bak 5137 2000-01-10
MASTER\source\sci.c 5134 2000-05-02
MASTER\source\sci.h 1618 2000-01-10
MASTER\source\sci_hr.h 3309 1999-01-28
MASTER\source\spi.c 1704 1999-01-28
MASTER\source\spi.h 1098 1999-05-12
MASTER\source\spi_hr.h 1925 1999-01-28
MASTER\source\tima.bak 1890 2000-01-10
MASTER\source\tima.c 6499 1999-12-16
MASTER\source\tima.h 1890 2000-01-10
MASTER\source\tima_hr.h 4181 1999-01-28
MASTER\source\timb.c 3614 1999-01-28
MASTER\source\timb.h 1163 1999-05-12
MASTER\source\timb_hr.h 4140 1999-01-28
MASTER\source\trap.c 1838 1999-01-28
MASTER\source\trap.h 1080 1999-05-12
MASTER\source\vssver.scc 784 2004-07-07
MASTER\source\wdg.c 1424 1999-01-28
MASTER\source\wdg.h 1113 1999-01-28
MASTER\source\wdg_hr.h 1462 1999-01-28
MASTER\st_7ap.ini 621 2003-11-27
MASTER\vssver.scc 144 2003-11-27
MASTER\config 0 2005-03-08
MASTER\HEX 0 2005-03-08
MASTER\object 0 2005-03-08
MASTER\source 0 2005-03-08
MASTER 0 2005-03-08
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