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  • Category : Compress-Decompress algrithms
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  • Update : 2018-04-09
  • Size : 1.85mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :hoo***
  • About : Nobody
  • PS : If download it fails, try it again. Download again for free!
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Packet file list
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Asm 0 2018-04-09
Asm\arm 0 2018-04-09
Asm\arm\7zCrcOpt.asm 1466 2009-10-08
Asm\x86 0 2018-04-09
Asm\x86\7zAsm.asm 1499 2012-12-30
Asm\x86\7zCrcOpt.asm 2817 2009-12-12
Asm\x86\AesOpt.asm 3991 2009-12-12
Asm\x86\XzCrc64Opt.asm 3686 2011-06-28
C 0 2018-04-09
C\7z.h 5263 2015-11-18
C\7zAlloc.c 1548 2015-11-09
C\7zAlloc.h 403 2015-03-26
C\7zArcIn.c 45342 2016-05-16
C\7zBuf.c 563 2013-01-24
C\7zBuf.h 647 2013-01-18
C\7zBuf2.c 940 2014-08-22
C\7zCrc.c 3213 2015-03-10
C\7zCrc.h 637 2013-01-18
C\7zCrcOpt.c 3441 2015-03-01
C\7zDec.c 15734 2015-11-18
C\7zFile.c 6966 2013-01-24
C\7zFile.h 1581 2013-01-18
C\7zStream.c 4188 2013-11-12
C\7zTypes.h 5737 2013-11-12
C\7zVersion.h 582 2016-10-04
C\7zVersion.rc 1530 2011-04-19
C\Aes.c 8639 2016-05-21
C\Aes.h 1364 2013-01-18
C\AesOpt.c 4618 2013-11-12
C\Alloc.c 3272 2015-02-21
C\Alloc.h 675 2015-02-21
C\Bcj2.c 6177 2015-08-01
C\Bcj2.h 3287 2014-11-11
C\Bcj2Enc.c 7524 2014-11-11
C\Blake2.h 1034 2015-06-30
C\Blake2s.c 6126 2015-07-01
C\Bra.c 3301 2013-01-24
C\Bra.h 1926 2013-01-18
C\Bra86.c 1799 2013-11-12
C\BraIA64.c 1839 2013-11-12
C\BwtSort.c 13316 2015-11-14
C\BwtSort.h 654 2013-01-18
C\Compiler.h 1168 2015-08-02
C\CpuArch.c 4339 2016-02-25
C\CpuArch.h 5909 2016-06-09
C\Delta.c 1337 2013-01-24
C\Delta.h 395 2013-01-18
C\DllSecur.c 1894 2016-10-04
C\DllSecur.h 259 2016-06-08
C\HuffEnc.c 3562 2016-05-16
C\HuffEnc.h 453 2013-01-18
C\LzFind.c 25218 2015-10-15
C\LzFind.h 3437 2015-10-15
C\LzFindMt.c 23018 2015-10-15
C\LzFindMt.h 2509 2015-05-03
C\LzHash.h 1824 2015-04-12
C\Lzma2Dec.c 10713 2015-11-09
C\Lzma2Dec.h 2248 2015-05-13
C\Lzma2Enc.c 12989 2015-10-04
C\Lzma2Enc.h 1827 2013-01-18
C\Lzma86.h 3266 2013-01-18
C\Lzma86Dec.c 1299 2016-05-16
C\Lzma86Enc.c 2712 2016-05-16
C\LzmaDec.c 30886 2016-05-16
C\LzmaDec.h 7055 2013-01-18
C\LzmaEnc.c 66505 2016-05-16
C\LzmaEnc.h 3117 2013-01-18
C\LzmaLib.c 1323 2015-06-14
C\LzmaLib.h 4438 2013-01-18
C\MtCoder.c 8317 2015-10-13
C\MtCoder.h 2072 2009-11-20
C\Ppmd.h 2119 2016-05-16
C\Ppmd7.c 17593 2016-05-21
C\Ppmd7.h 3842 2016-05-21
C\Ppmd7Dec.c 4884 2013-01-24
C\Ppmd7Enc.c 4557 2015-09-28
C\Ppmd8.c 28778 2016-05-21
C\Ppmd8.h 3600 2011-01-27
C\Ppmd8Dec.c 4218 2013-01-24
C\Ppmd8Enc.c 4090 2013-01-24
C\Precomp.h 182 2013-11-12
C\RotateDefs.h 656 2015-03-25
C\Sha1.c 7381 2016-05-20
C\Sha1.h 972 2016-05-20
C\Sha256.c 5529 2015-11-14
C\Sha256.h 464 2013-01-18
C\Sort.c 2589 2014-04-05
C\Sort.h 335 2014-04-05
C\Threads.c 2765 2014-09-21
C\Threads.h 2071 2013-11-12
C\Util 0 2018-04-09
C\Util\7z 0 2018-04-09
C\Util\7z\7z.dsp 6636 2015-06-10
C\Util\7z\7z.dsw 527 2008-03-17
C\Util\7z\7zMain.c 14639 2016-05-16
C\Util\7z\makefile 678 2015-06-10
C\Util\7z\makefile.gcc 1629 2015-11-15
C\Util\7z\Precomp.c 93 2013-01-24
C\Util\7z\Precomp.h 188 2014-06-16
C\Util\7zipInstall 0 2018-04-09
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