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  • Category : Internet-Network
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  • Update : 2018-04-10
  • Size : 358kb
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  • Author :lk***
  • About : Nobody
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Packet file list
(Preview for download)
ReadMe.txt 1755 2003-11-20
ClientRoom\ReadMe.txt 4407 2003-11-08
ClientRoom\AnimatStatic.h 1947 2003-11-10
ClientRoom\AutoRichEditCtrl.h 2459 2001-10-19
AutoRichEditCtrl.h 2462 2003-11-11
ClientRoom\BottomView.h 2002 2003-11-10
BottomView.h 2157 2003-11-22
ClientRoom\ChangeNickDlg.h 1232 2003-11-10
ChatRoom.h 1493 2003-11-19
ChatRoomDoc.h 3555 2003-11-20
ChatRoomView.h 2156 2003-11-11
ClientRoom\ClientRoom.h 1517 2003-11-19
ClientRoom\ClientRoomDoc.h 3129 2003-11-20
ClientRoom\ClientRoomView.h 1934 2003-11-08
ClientRoom\command.h 992 2003-11-19
command.h 992 2003-11-19
ClientRoom\ConnectSocket.h 1267 2003-11-08
ConnectSocket.h 1675 2003-11-06
KickDlg.h 1248 2003-11-22
ClientRoom\LeftView.h 1659 2003-11-18
LeftView.h 1723 2003-11-18
ClientRoom\MainFrm.h 1584 2003-11-18
MainFrm.h 1602 2003-11-22
ClientRoom\Msg.h 742 2003-11-20
Msg.h 742 2003-11-19
ClientRoom\MyStatic.h 1706 2003-11-03
MyStatic.h 1852 2003-11-11
oAnimatStatic.h 2117 2003-11-11
ClientRoom\old_BottomView.h 1972 2003-11-08
ReceiveFileDlg.h 1761 2003-11-22
ClientRoom\ReceiveFileDlg.h 1804 2003-11-22
ClientRoom\Resource.h 2670 2003-11-22
Resource.h 3117 2003-11-22
SendSysInfo.h 1247 2003-11-22
ServerSocket.h 1269 2003-11-05
Setup.h 1311 2003-11-22
ClientRoom\SetupDlg.h 1302 2003-11-19
ClientRoom\StdAfx.h 1120 2003-11-22
StdAfx.h 1252 2003-11-22
ClientRoom\TransFileDlg.h 1591 2003-11-22
TransFileDlg.h 1668 2003-11-22
TransFileSocket.h 1290 2003-11-19
ClientRoom\TransLateFile.h 1410 2003-11-22
TransLateFile.h 1410 2003-11-22
86AnimatStatic.cpp 3565 2003-11-11
ClientRoom\AnimatStatic.cpp 3552 2003-11-11
ClientRoom\AutoRichEditCtrl.cpp 8138 2001-10-19
ClientRoom\BottomView.cpp 7598 2003-11-12
BottomView.cpp 7910 2003-11-22
ClientRoom\ChangeNickDlg.cpp 1166 2003-11-10
ChatRoom.cpp 5399 2003-11-22
ChatRoomDoc.cpp 27658 2003-11-20
ChatRoomView.cpp 3143 2003-11-12
ClientRoom\ClientRoom.cpp 5219 2003-11-19
ClientRoom\ClientRoomDoc.cpp 22916 2003-11-20
ClientRoom\ClientRoomView.cpp 2586 2003-11-08
ClientRoom\ConnectSocket.cpp 915 2003-11-09
ConnectSocket.cpp 1849 2003-11-09
KickDlg.cpp 1802 2003-11-22
LeftView.cpp 2789 2003-11-22
ClientRoom\LeftView.cpp 2980 2003-11-18
ClientRoom\MainFrm.cpp 3152 2003-11-18
MainFrm.cpp 3579 2003-11-22
Msg.cpp 952 2003-11-19
ClientRoom\Msg.cpp 977 2003-11-19
ClientRoom\MyStatic.cpp 2675 2003-11-10
MyStatic.cpp 2691 2003-11-11
ClientRoom\old_BottomView.cpp 7483 2003-11-08
ClientRoom\ReceiveFileDlg.cpp 3872 2003-11-22
ReceiveFileDlg.cpp 3929 2003-11-22
SendSysInfo.cpp 1269 2003-11-22
ServerSocket.cpp 915 2003-11-11
Setup.cpp 2788 2003-11-22
ClientRoom\SetupDlg.cpp 2063 2003-11-10
StdAfx.cpp 210 2003-11-01
ClientRoom\StdAfx.cpp 212 2003-11-08
TransFileDlg.cpp 4093 2003-11-22
ClientRoom\TransFileDlg.cpp 4162 2003-11-22
TransFileSocket.cpp 948 2003-11-19
ClientRoom\TransLateFile.cpp 4827 2003-11-22
TransLateFile.cpp 4890 2003-11-22
YAutoRichEditCtrl.cpp 8138 2001-10-19
DETOURS.lib 73332 2002-12-15
SkinMagicLib.lib 990062 2003-01-13
ClientRoom\res\1-1.bmp 630 2003-11-22
res\1-1.bmp 630 2003-11-22
res\1111mainfram.bmp 2678 2003-11-22
ClientRoom\res\bitmap1.bmp 246 2003-11-22
res\bitmap1.bmp 246 2003-11-22
res\bitmap2.bmp 246 2003-11-22
res\bmp00001.bmp 2678 2003-11-22
ClientRoom\res\mainfram.bmp 2678 2003-11-08
res\mainfram.bmp 4214 2003-11-02
ClientRoom\res\Toolbar.bmp 1078 2003-11-08
ChatRoom.aps 52688 2003-11-22
ClientRoom\ClientRoom.aps 50100 2003-11-22
ChatRoom.clw 6917 2004-01-24
ClientRoom\ClientRoom.clw 5792 2003-11-22
复件 ChatRoom.clw 3039 2003-11-03
ClientRoom\res\H_POINT.CUR 766 2003-11-22
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