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  • Update : 2018-04-12
  • Size : 18.75mb
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  • Author :4ygr*****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
RaiseDreams means to make a dream. It is an enterprise level website platform that will be prepared by the financial tycoon and the enterprise, using the database as the system architecture, the front desk uses the html5+css3 modern HTML language to build the high quality online public research platform.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
bin\COM.Excel.dll 15360 2014-03-06
bin\Excel.dll 1089536 2014-03-06
bin\HHLimit.dll 15872 2016-03-22
bin\IBatisNet.Common.dll 102400 2014-03-06
bin\IBatisNet.DataMapper.dll 249856 2014-03-06
bin\LitJSON.dll 52736 2016-06-21
bin\LTP.Accounts.dll 49152 2014-03-06
bin\LtpPageControl.dll 24576 2014-03-06
bin\Maticsoft.BLL.dll 32768 2017-08-04
bin\Maticsoft.Common.dll 61440 2017-08-04
bin\Maticsoft.DAL.dll 86016 2017-08-04
bin\Maticsoft.DBUtility.dll 57344 2017-08-04
bin\Maticsoft.Model.dll 28672 2017-08-04
bin\Maticsoft.Web.dll 230400 2017-08-04
bin\Maticsoft.Web.XmlSerializers.dll 90112 2017-08-04
bin\Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.dll 186688 2014-03-06
bin\MySql.Data.dll 369152 2014-03-06
bin\OpenSmtp.dll 45056 2014-03-06
bin\ThoughtWorks.QRCode.dll 6205440 2013-10-12
Config\email.config 155 2015-03-24
Config\Globla.config 138 2016-07-08
Config\LoginAPI.config 567 2016-07-21
Config\Pay.config 252 2017-07-26
Config\Version.xml 89 2017-08-02
database\RaiseDreams.sql 207957 2017-08-27
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Images\city033d.js 5608 2017-07-21
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Images\create033d.css 4280 2017-07-10
Images\create033d.js 906 2017-07-10
Images\creativeq_down-2.png 1101 2017-07-10
Images\creativeq_down.png 1101 2017-07-10
Images\creativeq_up-2.png 1099 2017-07-10
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
  • Please use Winrar for decompression tools
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