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SML speed sharing blog source code is the source of blog website developed by C#. Development tools: VS2012, database
Packet file list
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Bll 0 2016-05-16
Bll\AccountBll.cs 2521 2013-05-14
Bll\ArticleBll.cs 2814 2013-05-14
Bll\bin 0 2016-05-16
Bll\bin\Debug 0 2016-05-16
Bll\bin\Debug\Bll.dll 8704 2016-05-15
Bll\bin\Debug\Bll.pdb 48640 2016-05-15
Bll\bin\Debug\Common.dll 151040 2016-05-15
Bll\bin\Debug\Common.pdb 368128 2016-05-15
Bll\bin\Debug\Dal.dll 16896 2016-05-15
Bll\bin\Debug\Dal.pdb 50688 2016-05-15
Bll\bin\Debug\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll 200704 2013-05-14
Bll\bin\Debug\Model.dll 12800 2016-05-15
Bll\bin\Debug\Model.pdb 7680 2016-05-15
Bll\bin\Debug\Newtonsoft.Json.dll 335360 2013-05-14
Bll\bin\Debug\System.Data.SQLite.dll 798720 2013-05-14
Bll\bin\Release 0 2016-05-16
Bll\bin\Release\Bll.dll 8192 2014-07-19
Bll\bin\Release\Bll.pdb 30208 2014-07-19
Bll\bin\Release\Common.dll 140288 2014-07-19
Bll\bin\Release\Common.pdb 265728 2014-07-19
Bll\bin\Release\Dal.dll 16384 2014-07-19
Bll\bin\Release\Dal.pdb 32256 2014-07-19
Bll\bin\Release\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll 200704 2013-05-14
Bll\bin\Release\Model.dll 11776 2014-07-19
Bll\bin\Release\Model.pdb 7680 2014-07-19
Bll\bin\Release\Newtonsoft.Json.dll 335360 2013-05-14
Bll\bin\Release\System.Data.SQLite.dll 798720 2013-05-14
Bll\Bll.csproj 2906 2013-05-14
Bll\Bll.csproj.user 227 2013-05-14
Bll\CommentBll.cs 2485 2013-05-14
Bll\obj 0 2016-05-16
Bll\obj\Debug 0 2016-05-16
Bll\obj\Debug\Bll.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 4436 2016-05-15
Bll\obj\Debug\Bll.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache 81223 2016-05-15
Bll\obj\Debug\Bll.dll 8704 2016-05-15
Bll\obj\Debug\Bll.pdb 48640 2016-05-15
Bll\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 6643 2016-05-16
Bll\obj\Debug\ResolveAssemblyReference.cache 44168 2013-05-14
Bll\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2016-05-16
Bll\obj\Release 0 2016-05-16
Bll\obj\Release\Bll.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 1398 2014-07-20
Bll\obj\Release\Bll.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache 54578 2014-07-20
Bll\obj\Release\Bll.dll 8192 2014-07-19
Bll\obj\Release\Bll.pdb 30208 2014-07-19
Bll\obj\Release\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 6599 2014-07-20
Bll\obj\Release\TempPE 0 2016-05-16
Bll\Properties 0 2016-05-16
Bll\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1356 2013-05-14
Bll\SysRuleBll.cs 2521 2013-05-14
Bll\SysTypeBll.cs 2545 2013-05-14
Bll\Sys_PropertiesBll.cs 962 2013-05-14
Bll\TagLinkBll.cs 2903 2013-05-14
Common 0 2016-05-16
Common\BarCodeToHTML.cs 12314 2016-05-15
Common\bin 0 2016-05-16
Common\bin\Debug 0 2016-05-16
Common\bin\Debug\Common.dll 151040 2016-05-15
Common\bin\Debug\Common.pdb 368128 2016-05-15
Common\bin\Debug\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll 200704 2013-05-14
Common\bin\Debug\itextsharp.dll 3526656 2013-05-14
Common\bin\Debug\Newtonsoft.Json.dll 335360 2013-05-14
Common\bin\Debug\PanGu.dll 78336 2013-05-14
Common\bin\Debug\System.Data.SQLite.dll 798720 2013-05-14
Common\bin\Release 0 2016-05-16
Common\bin\Release\Common.dll 140288 2014-07-19
Common\bin\Release\Common.pdb 265728 2014-07-19
Common\bin\Release\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll 200704 2013-05-14
Common\bin\Release\itextsharp.dll 3526656 2013-05-14
Common\bin\Release\Newtonsoft.Json.dll 335360 2013-05-14
Common\bin\Release\System.Data.SQLite.dll 798720 2013-05-14
Common\CacheHelper.cs 2361 2016-05-15
Common\CFun.cs 67894 2016-05-15
Common\CNDate.cs 62464 2016-05-15
Common\Common.csproj 4527 2013-05-15
Common\Common.csproj.user 227 2013-05-14
Common\CookieHelper.cs 2103 2016-05-15
Common\CsvHelper.cs 2361 2016-05-15
Common\Encode.cs 12245 2016-05-15
Common\ExcelHelper.cs 19418 2016-05-15
Common\FileHelper.cs 10817 2016-05-15
Common\FTPHelper.cs 11728 2016-05-15
Common\ImageClass.cs 21018 2016-05-15
Common\ImageDown.cs 2562 2016-05-15
Common\ImageUpload.cs 16674 2016-05-15
Common\obj 0 2016-05-16
Common\obj\Debug 0 2016-05-16
Common\obj\Debug\Common.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 1605 2016-05-15
Common\obj\Debug\Common.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache 34210 2016-05-15
Common\obj\Debug\Common.dll 151040 2016-05-15
Common\obj\Debug\Common.pdb 368128 2016-05-15
Common\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7296 2016-05-16
Common\obj\Debug\ResolveAssemblyReference.cache 17810 2013-05-14
Common\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2016-05-16
Common\obj\Release 0 2016-05-16
Common\obj\Release\Common.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 489 2014-07-19
Common\obj\Release\Common.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache 20093 2014-07-19
Common\obj\Release\Common.dll 140288 2014-07-19
Common\obj\Release\Common.pdb 265728 2014-07-19
Common\obj\Release\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7222 2014-07-20
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