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  • Update : 2018-04-13
  • Size : 6.06mb
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  • Author :3tr****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
25175, the school educational records management system is suitable for the related management system of school archives. The BS architecture is developed, and.NET technology and SQLSERVER database are applied to develop the system. The system is a professional management platform.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
25175学校教务档案管理系统.doc 436736 2015-11-10
Default.aspx 455 2015-09-23
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Web.config 1634 2015-11-10
25175data\n25175_JiaoWu_Data.MDF 2752512 2015-11-10
25175data\n25175_JiaoWu_Log.LDF 4325376 2015-11-10
bin\25175RegisterClient.dll 11264 2015-09-25
bin\App_Web_10umo0dg.dll 10752 2015-09-23
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bin\App_Web_35djsaug.dll 11776 2015-09-23
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bin\App_Web_4awfq3qk.dll 11776 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_4y2ukh31.dll 19968 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_4zoxhrrr.dll 7168 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_av4023wj.dll 5632 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_ayeuclmu.dll 19456 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_bhwp4j4p.dll 5632 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_bx400frw.dll 17408 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_df3jok1d.dll 6656 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_dr2yfiae.dll 12288 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_ekhhp11t.dll 11264 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_eoqzyyww.dll 11776 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_gh34tjza.dll 11776 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_ixesgk0j.dll 10752 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_j1ud3bfa.dll 17920 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_jr2sg5jc.dll 13312 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_le3fbm52.dll 11776 2015-09-23
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bin\App_Web_m3zrg2bf.dll 19456 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_n1lwxtxm.dll 6656 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_odb5ylqd.dll 10752 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_qbqbnhke.dll 6656 2015-09-23
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bin\App_Web_ug1pgdvj.dll 11264 2015-09-23
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bin\App_Web_vf5gwrll.dll 11776 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_vq0peudd.dll 12288 2015-09-23
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bin\App_Web_x4ksdu54.dll 10752 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_xot415z4.dll 10752 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_y44wdff4.dll 9216 2015-09-23
bin\App_Web_zalrydfa.dll 10240 2015-09-23
bin\AspNetPager.dll 114688 2010-02-26
bin\Jayrock.Json.dll 90112 2007-01-25
bin\JW_BLL.dll 49152 2015-09-22
bin\JW_Common.dll 28160 2015-09-22
bin\JW_DAL.dll 91648 2015-09-22
bin\JW_DBUtility.dll 33280 2015-09-22
bin\JW_Model.dll 20480 2015-09-22
bin\NPOI.dll 1368576 2010-08-03
JW\25175-188.css 11288 2012-07-25
JW\control\css\40x100.png 180 2012-09-19
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JW\control\css\paging.css 601 2012-06-11
JW\control\easy_ui\common.css 5233 2012-04-26
JW\control\easy_ui\easyloader.js 6137 2012-07-26
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JW\control\easy_ui\icons\book.png 703 2012-03-01
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JW\control\easy_ui\icons\competentRole.png 3884 2012-04-26
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\course.png 983 2012-03-01
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\custclass.png 571 2012-05-28
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\custgrade.png 940 2012-05-28
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\custindustry.png 496 2012-05-28
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\custsource.png 721 2012-05-28
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JW\control\easy_ui\icons\edit_remove.png 625 2009-12-15
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JW\control\easy_ui\icons\gz.png 707 2012-09-10
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\help.png 1187 2009-12-15
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\home.png 887 2011-09-12
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\import.png 596 2011-09-13
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\key.png 664 2011-09-23
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\message.png 3458 2011-09-13
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\mini_add.png 244 2011-11-15
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\mini_edit.png 161 2011-11-15
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\mini_refresh.png 160 2011-11-15
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\movies.png 538 2011-09-13
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\no.png 922 2009-12-15
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\ok.png 883 2009-12-15
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\pencil.png 713 2010-01-19
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\print.png 1057 2009-12-15
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\recycle.png 587 2012-05-28
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\redo.png 708 2009-12-15
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\refresh.png 664 2011-09-14
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\reload.png 1045 2009-12-15
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\school.png 898 2012-03-01
JW\control\easy_ui\icons\search.png 813 2009-12-15
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  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
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