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  • Update : 2018-04-14
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  • Author :u6***
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
A typical three tier architecture is developed, including shopping cart, landing registration, personal center, message board, news system, front page, background management, etc.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
BLL 0 2014-10-30
BLL\adminuser.cs 1141 2010-08-24
BLL\bin 0 2014-10-30
BLL\bin\Debug 0 2014-10-30
BLL\bin\Debug\BLL.dll 16384 2014-09-28
BLL\bin\Debug\BLL.pdb 97792 2014-09-28
BLL\bin\Debug\Common.dll 25600 2014-09-28
BLL\bin\Debug\Common.pdb 73216 2014-09-28
BLL\bin\Debug\DAL.dll 45056 2014-09-28
BLL\bin\Debug\DAL.pdb 112128 2014-09-28
BLL\bin\Debug\Model.dll 18432 2014-09-28
BLL\bin\Debug\Model.pdb 103936 2014-09-28
BLL\bin\Release 0 2014-10-30
BLL\BLL.csproj 5427 2014-09-28
BLL\BLL.csproj.user 452 2014-09-28
BLL\BLLadmin.cs 2436 2010-08-24
BLL\BLLhelp.cs 2173 2010-08-24
BLL\BLLHelpcate.cs 1278 2010-08-24
BLL\bllhhh.cs 318 2010-08-24
BLL\BLLmessage.cs 2438 2010-08-24
BLL\BLLorderselect.cs 1096 2010-08-24
BLL\BLLorderupdate.cs 766 2010-08-24
BLL\BLLshoplist.cs 378 2010-08-24
BLL\BLLshoplist2.cs 782 2010-08-24
BLL\Class1.cs 130 2010-08-24
BLL\collect.cs 2013 2010-08-24
BLL\daladdress.cs 1133 2010-08-24
BLL\downlist.cs 961 2010-08-24
BLL\fathercate.cs 804 2010-08-24
BLL\Helpcate.cs 1140 2010-08-24
BLL\News.cs 886 2010-08-24
BLL\Newscate.cs 973 2010-08-24
BLL\obj 0 2014-10-30
BLL\obj\Debug 0 2014-10-30
BLL\obj\Debug\BLL.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 4744 2014-10-30
BLL\obj\Debug\BLL.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache 22031 2014-10-30
BLL\obj\Debug\BLL.dll 16384 2014-09-28
BLL\obj\Debug\BLL.pdb 97792 2014-09-28
BLL\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 6071 2014-10-30
BLL\obj\Debug\Refactor 0 2014-10-30
BLL\obj\Debug\Refactor\BLL.dll 4096 2010-08-19
BLL\obj\Debug\ResolveAssemblyReference.cache 17657 2010-09-07
BLL\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2014-10-30
BLL\procate.cs 1404 2010-08-24
BLL\product.cs 2311 2010-08-24
BLL\proimage.cs 1795 2010-08-24
BLL\Properties 0 2014-10-30
BLL\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1382 2010-08-18
BLL\size.cs 775 2010-08-24
BLL\tis.cs 288 2010-08-24
BLL\user.cs 3312 2010-08-24
Common 0 2014-10-30
Common\bin 0 2014-10-30
Common\bin\Debug 0 2014-10-30
Common\bin\Debug\Common.dll 25600 2014-09-28
Common\bin\Debug\Common.pdb 73216 2014-09-28
Common\bin\Release 0 2014-10-30
Common\CommandInfo.cs 2165 2010-08-18
Common\Common.csproj 4414 2014-09-28
Common\Common.csproj.user 452 2014-09-28
Common\DB.cs 24181 2010-08-21
Common\DbHelperSQL.cs 37428 2010-08-22
Common\DESEncrypt.cs 2976 2010-08-18
Common\obj 0 2014-10-30
Common\obj\Debug 0 2014-10-30
Common\obj\Debug\Common.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 1953 2014-10-30
Common\obj\Debug\Common.dll 25600 2014-09-28
Common\obj\Debug\Common.pdb 73216 2014-09-28
Common\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 5985 2014-10-30
Common\obj\Debug\Refactor 0 2014-10-30
Common\obj\Debug\Refactor\Common.dll 8192 2010-08-21
Common\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2014-10-30
Common\Properties 0 2014-10-30
Common\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1388 2010-08-18
Common\PubConstant.cs 1413 2010-08-18
Common\SQLHelper.cs 12342 2010-08-18
DAL 0 2014-10-30
DAL\adminuser.cs 2029 2010-08-24
DAL\bin 0 2014-10-30
DAL\bin\Debug 0 2014-10-30
DAL\bin\Debug\Common.dll 25600 2014-09-28
DAL\bin\Debug\Common.pdb 73216 2014-09-28
DAL\bin\Debug\DAL.dll 45056 2014-09-28
DAL\bin\Debug\DAL.pdb 112128 2014-09-28
DAL\bin\Debug\Model.dll 18432 2014-09-28
DAL\bin\Debug\Model.pdb 103936 2014-09-28
DAL\bin\Release 0 2014-10-30
DAL\collect.cs 5310 2010-08-24
DAL\DAL.csproj 5449 2014-09-28
DAL\DAL.csproj.user 452 2014-09-28
DAL\daladdress.cs 3926 2010-08-24
DAL\DALadmin.cs 5668 2010-08-24
DAL\DALhelp.cs 5072 2010-08-24
DAL\DALHelpcate.cs 2762 2010-08-24
DAL\dalhhh.cs 736 2010-08-24
DAL\DAlmessage.cs 6462 2010-08-24
DAL\DALorderselect.cs 2977 2010-08-24
DAL\DALorderupdate.cs 1975 2010-08-24
DAL\DALshoplist.cs 599 2010-08-24
DAL\DALshoplist2.cs 5066 2010-08-24
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
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