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  • Update : 2018-04-14
  • Size : 1.94mb
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  • Author :y243****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Simple office automation management YCCV1.0 source code, the development of a more perfect Web based office automation management system, can provide a more efficient operation platform for the users, can effectively manage the daily work and make a reasonable budget for the future
Packet file list
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0 2014-08-03
\16Aspx源码必读.txt 2130 2014-08-03
\16Aspx源码说明.txt 1013 2014-08-03
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\最新Asp.Net源码下载.url 177 2014-08-03
BLL 0 2014-08-03
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BLL\BLL.csproj.user 497 2014-08-03
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BLL\geyan.cs 655 2014-08-03
BLL\news.cs 561 2014-08-03
BLL\tel.cs 643 2014-08-03
BLL\T_Meeting.cs 708 2014-08-03
BLL\T_Users.cs 464 2014-08-03
BLL\worker.cs 667 2014-08-03
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BLL\bin\Debug\DAL.pdb 34304 2014-08-03
BLL\bin\Debug\DBUtility.dll 7168 2014-08-03
BLL\bin\Debug\DBUtility.pdb 19968 2014-08-03
BLL\bin\Debug\Models.dll 5120 2014-08-03
BLL\bin\Debug\Models.pdb 7680 2014-08-03
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BLL\obj\Debug\BLL.pdb 32256 2014-08-03
BLL\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 6171 2014-08-03
BLL\obj\Debug\Refactor 0 2014-08-03
BLL\obj\Debug\Refactor\BLL.dll 4608 2014-08-03
BLL\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2014-08-03
BLL\Properties 0 2014-08-03
BLL\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1344 2014-08-03
DAL 0 2014-08-03
DAL\cars.cs 2045 2014-08-03
DAL\DAL.csproj 4758 2014-08-03
DAL\DAL.csproj.user 497 2014-08-03
DAL\dept.cs 1921 2014-08-03
DAL\geyan.cs 1300 2014-08-03
DAL\news.cs 1472 2014-08-03
DAL\tel.cs 2049 2014-08-03
DAL\T_Meeting.cs 2464 2014-08-03
DAL\T_Users.cs 911 2014-08-03
DAL\worker.cs 2683 2014-08-03
DAL\bin 0 2014-08-03
DAL\bin\Debug 0 2014-08-03
DAL\bin\Debug\DAL.dll 13312 2014-08-03
DAL\bin\Debug\DAL.pdb 34304 2014-08-03
DAL\bin\Debug\DBUtility.dll 7168 2014-08-03
DAL\bin\Debug\DBUtility.pdb 19968 2014-08-03
DAL\bin\Debug\Models.dll 5120 2014-08-03
DAL\bin\Debug\Models.pdb 7680 2014-08-03
DAL\bin\Release 0 2014-08-03
DAL\obj 0 2014-08-03
DAL\obj\Debug 0 2014-08-03
DAL\obj\Debug\DAL.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 1595 2014-08-03
DAL\obj\Debug\DAL.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache 7776 2014-08-03
DAL\obj\Debug\DAL.dll 13312 2014-08-03
DAL\obj\Debug\DAL.pdb 34304 2014-08-03
DAL\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 6075 2014-08-03
DAL\obj\Debug\Refactor 0 2014-08-03
DAL\obj\Debug\Refactor\DAL.dll 4608 2014-08-03
DAL\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2014-08-03
DAL\Properties 0 2014-08-03
DAL\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1344 2014-08-03
DBUtility 0 2014-08-03
DBUtility\DBUtility.csproj 4130 2014-08-03
DBUtility\DBUtility.csproj.user 497 2014-08-03
DBUtility\SQLHelper.cs 12498 2014-08-03
DBUtility\bin 0 2014-08-03
DBUtility\bin\Debug 0 2014-08-03
DBUtility\bin\Debug\DBUtility.dll 7168 2014-08-03
DBUtility\bin\Debug\DBUtility.pdb 19968 2014-08-03
DBUtility\bin\Release 0 2014-08-03
DBUtility\obj 0 2014-08-03
DBUtility\obj\Debug 0 2014-08-03
DBUtility\obj\Debug\DBUtility.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 868 2014-08-03
DBUtility\obj\Debug\DBUtility.dll 7168 2014-08-03
DBUtility\obj\Debug\DBUtility.pdb 19968 2014-08-03
DBUtility\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 5878 2014-08-03
DBUtility\obj\Debug\Refactor 0 2014-08-03
DBUtility\obj\Debug\Refactor\DBUtility.dll 4096 2014-08-03
DBUtility\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2014-08-03
DBUtility\Properties 0 2014-08-03
DBUtility\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1356 2014-08-03
DB_16aspx 0 2014-08-03
DB_16aspx\student.mdf 3145728 2014-08-03
DB_16aspx\student_log.ldf 1048576 2014-08-03
Models 0 2014-08-03
Models\car.cs 284 2014-08-03
Models\dept.cs 255 2014-08-03
Models\geyan.cs 282 2014-08-03
Models\Models.csproj 4373 2014-08-03
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