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  • Update : 2018-04-14
  • Size : 6.51mb
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  • Author :y3***
  • About : Nobody
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Jokul Forum is a new member of ASP.Net forum. It is committed to create the best forum products for you based on Windows platform. Jokul Forum is an efficient forum solution built by ASP.Net (MVC) and Microsoft SQL Server, which can help you easily build and manage forums.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
Admin 0 2014-07-27
Admin\Default.aspx 3726 2013-09-03
bin 0 2014-07-27
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bin\Jokul.Forum.Common.dll 115200 2014-07-27
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bin\Jokul.Forum.Data.dll 23040 2014-07-27
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bin\Jokul.Forum.MvcApp.dll 579584 2014-07-27
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bin\Jokul.Forum.SqlServer.dll 299520 2014-07-27
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bin\Jokul.Passport.Common.dll 114176 2014-07-27
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bin\Jokul.Passport.MvcApp.dll 193536 2014-07-27
bin\Jokul.Passport.SqlServer.dll 68096 2014-07-27
bin\Jokul.Single.dll 20480 2014-04-17
bin\NCrontab.dll 32768 2013-07-14
bin\Newtonsoft.Json.dll 428544 2014-07-05
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bin\zxing.dll 217088 2013-01-09
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Install\Common.ashx 113 2013-10-13
Install\Default.aspx 368 2013-10-13
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Install\Message.aspx 508 2013-10-13
Install\Packets 0 2014-07-27
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Install\Styles\Common.css 791 2013-10-12
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Install\Utility\bootbox\bootbox.js 5446 2013-10-12
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Install\Wait.aspx 776 2013-10-13
Install\Welcome.aspx 8233 2014-02-12
Languages 0 2014-07-27
Languages\default.lang 14076 2014-07-16
Passport 0 2014-07-27
Passport\Admin 0 2014-07-27
Passport\Admin\Default.aspx 3736 2013-09-19
Passport\Default.aspx 4286 2013-10-10
Passport\Languages 0 2014-07-27
Passport\Languages\default.lang 970 2013-09-18
Passport\OAuth 0 2014-07-27
Passport\OAuth\DoubanOAuth2 0 2014-07-27
Passport\OAuth\DoubanOAuth2\icon.png 194 2014-05-10
Passport\OAuth\DoubanOAuth2\Images 0 2014-07-27
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
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