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  • Update : 2018-04-14
  • Size : 8.81mb
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  • Author :y3***
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Source description: This is a complete function of the supermarket management system based on the three tier structure. The main functions are as follows: 1. Purchase management It mainly includes main functions such as purchase, return, financial transactions, purchase documents inquiry, stock inquiry and so on. 2. Sales management It mainly includes main functions such as sales information, customer return, stock inquiry and so on.
Packet file list
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51Aspx源码必读.txt 3161 2014-06-05
BLL 0 2010-01-25
BLL\bin 0 2010-01-24
BLL\bin\Debug 0 2014-06-05
BLL\bin\Debug\BLL.dll 22528 2014-06-05
BLL\bin\Debug\BLL.pdb 116224 2014-06-05
BLL\bin\Debug\DAL.dll 62464 2014-06-05
BLL\bin\Debug\DAL.pdb 116224 2014-06-05
BLL\bin\Debug\Interop.Excel.dll 1093632 2009-09-19
BLL\bin\Debug\Interop.Microsoft.Office.Core.dll 217088 2009-09-19
BLL\bin\Debug\Interop.VBIDE.dll 57344 2009-09-19
BLL\bin\Debug\Models.dll 44032 2014-06-05
BLL\bin\Debug\Models.pdb 218624 2014-06-05
BLL\bin\Debug\office.dll 223800 2007-10-10
BLL\BLL.csproj 4490 2014-06-05
BLL\CG_tableManager.cs 507 2010-01-16
BLL\CK_tableManager.cs 1759 2010-01-24
BLL\CommonManager.cs 502 2010-01-16
BLL\CommonMethod.cs 1434 2010-01-05
BLL\CW_feiyManager.cs 1204 2010-01-24
BLL\CW_gudingManager.cs 853 2010-01-25
BLL\CW_yingsyfManager.cs 583 2010-01-25
BLL\CZ_YuangongManager.cs 2865 2010-01-25
BLL\DH_tabelManager.cs 1184 2010-01-23
BLL\GH_shangManager.cs 2666 2010-01-25
BLL\GrantManager.cs 641 2010-01-25
BLL\HY_guanliManager.cs 1746 2010-01-13
BLL\HY_mingxiManager.cs 972 2010-01-13
BLL\JY_qkuangManager.cs 573 2010-01-25
BLL\KH_xinxiManager.cs 2627 2010-01-25
BLL\MEMLEVELManager.cs 2081 2010-01-13
BLL\obj 0 2010-01-26
BLL\obj\BLL.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 807 2010-01-26
BLL\obj\Debug 0 2014-06-05
BLL\obj\Debug\BLL.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 752 2014-06-05
BLL\obj\Debug\BLL.dll 22528 2014-06-05
BLL\obj\Debug\BLL.pdb 116224 2014-06-05
BLL\obj\Debug\Refactor 0 2010-01-24
BLL\obj\Debug\Refactor\BLL.dll 20480 2010-01-24
BLL\obj\Debug\ResolveAssemblyReference.cache 14076 2014-06-05
BLL\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2009-12-31
BLL\Properties 0 2009-12-31
BLL\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1301 2009-12-31
BLL\RoleGrantManager.cs 694 2010-01-25
BLL\RoleManager.cs 364 2010-01-25
BLL\SP_goodsManager.cs 3778 2010-01-25
BLL\SP_typeManager.cs 445 2010-01-24
BLL\SP_xmingxiManager.cs 146 2010-01-13
BLL\tempManager.cs 908 2010-01-07
BLL\UserHelper.cs 246 2010-01-25
BLL\UserManager.cs 216 2010-01-25
BLL\XJ_yhangManager.cs 1181 2010-01-25
BLL\XS_tbaleManager.cs 5064 2010-01-25
BLL\YG_xinxiManager.cs 2511 2010-01-24
BLL\YsheManager.cs 414 2010-01-24
DAL 0 2014-06-05
DAL\bin 0 2010-01-07
DAL\bin\Debug 0 2014-06-05
DAL\bin\Debug\DAL.dll 62464 2014-06-05
DAL\bin\Debug\DAL.pdb 116224 2014-06-05
DAL\bin\Debug\Models.dll 44032 2014-06-05
DAL\bin\Debug\Models.pdb 218624 2014-06-05
DAL\CG_tableService.cs 1893 2010-01-16
DAL\CK_tableService.cs 2443 2010-01-24
DAL\CommonService.cs 2152 2010-01-16
DAL\CW_feiyService.cs 1397 2010-01-25
DAL\CW_gudingService.cs 1314 2010-01-25
DAL\CW_yingsyfService.cs 1152 2010-01-25
DAL\CZ_YuangongServeic.cs 2549 2010-01-25
DAL\DAL.csproj 3507 2014-06-05
DAL\DBHelper.cs 5375 2014-06-05
DAL\DH_tabelService.cs 5158 2010-01-23
DAL\GH_shangService.cs 4640 2010-01-25
DAL\GrantService.cs 1393 2010-01-25
DAL\HY_guanliService.cs 2337 2010-01-13
DAL\HY_mingxiService.cs 1610 2010-01-13
DAL\JY_qkuangService.cs 1058 2010-01-25
DAL\KH_xinxiService.cs 4085 2010-01-25
DAL\MEMLEVELService.cs 1861 2010-01-13
DAL\obj 0 2010-01-26
DAL\obj\DAL.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 456 2010-01-26
DAL\obj\Debug 0 2014-06-05
DAL\obj\Debug\DAL.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 533 2014-06-05
DAL\obj\Debug\DAL.dll 62464 2014-06-05
DAL\obj\Debug\DAL.pdb 116224 2014-06-05
DAL\obj\Debug\Refactor 0 2010-01-24
DAL\obj\Debug\Refactor\DAL.dll 20480 2010-01-24
DAL\obj\Debug\ResolveAssemblyReference.cache 3196 2014-06-05
DAL\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2009-12-31
DAL\Properties 0 2009-12-31
DAL\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1301 2009-12-31
DAL\RoleGrantService.cs 1220 2010-01-25
DAL\RoleService.cs 418 2010-01-25
DAL\SP_goodsService.cs 15709 2010-01-25
DAL\SP_typeService.cs 635 2010-01-24
DAL\SP_xmingxiService.cs 146 2010-01-13
DAL\tempService.cs 2279 2010-01-07
DAL\UserService.cs 156 2010-01-25
DAL\XJ_yhangService.cs 1026 2010-01-25
DAL\XS_tbaleService.cs 6119 2010-01-25
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