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  • Update : 2018-04-14
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  • Author :4y35****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The construction of "25175 digital enterprise hotel management system" is to establish an order query and maintenance system, which can complete the construction of the new building, the established modification and deletion, the foreign movement, processing, management, inquiry, and the print output of the report. At the same time, we also set up information interaction platform among bosses, employees and customers.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
25175-2.jpg 178283 2013-11-29
25175-3.jpg 222709 2013-11-29
25175酒店管理系统-说明书.doc 724698 2014-06-28
Global.asax 75 2013-10-06
index.aspx 14 2013-10-06
index.htm 302 2013-10-16
web.config 3588 2013-11-19
数字化酒店附加功能简介.doc 233472 2014-02-24
说明_readme.txt 445 2014-06-28
bin\ActionlessForm.dll 16384 2004-02-04
bin\Anthem.dll 155648 2012-10-09
bin\Aspose.Cells.dll 3227648 2009-08-20
bin\Aspose.Words.dll 2977280 2009-07-04
bin\CKFinder.dll 81920 2011-04-19
bin\CKFinder_FileEditor.dll 9728 2011-04-19
bin\CKFinder_Watermark.dll 11264 2011-04-19
bin\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll 188416 2009-08-03
bin\Ionic.Zip.dll 445440 2012-02-15
bin\Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.dll 103848 2009-08-03
bin\Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.dll 161192 2009-08-03
bin\Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.dll 91560 2009-08-03
bin\Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder.dll 64352 2009-08-03
bin\Newtonsoft.Json.dll 432128 2013-05-08
bin\NPOI.dll 1454080 2012-05-04
bin\URLRewriter.dll 20480 2004-02-04
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.Ajax.dll 26112 2013-11-17
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.Ajax.pdb 67072 2013-11-17
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.BLL.dll 13312 2013-11-28
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.BLL.pdb 73216 2013-11-28
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.Common.dll 52224 2013-11-17
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.Common.pdb 118272 2013-11-17
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.DAL.dll 160768 2013-11-28
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.DAL.pdb 349696 2013-11-28
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.DBUtility.dll 46592 2013-11-17
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.DBUtility.pdb 136704 2013-11-17
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.Model.dll 47616 2013-11-17
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.Model.pdb 206336 2013-11-17
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.Utils.dll 295424 2013-11-17
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.Utils.pdb 685568 2013-11-17
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.Web.Controls.dll 125440 2013-11-17
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.Web.Controls.pdb 144896 2013-11-17
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.Web.dll 148480 2013-11-28
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.Web.pdb 581120 2013-11-28
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.Web.UI.dll 10752 2013-11-28
bin\Web25175_Hotel2.Web.UI.pdb 32256 2013-11-28
bin\Winista.HtmlParser.dll 196608 2012-04-07
Charts\FCF_Column3D.swf 21031 2008-12-22
Error\FileNotFound.aspx 678 2013-10-06
Error\images\error.gif 3370 2013-10-06
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Index\images\tab.psd 28912 2013-10-06
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Index\ImgCode.aspx 434 2013-10-06
Index\Index1.aspx 6167 2013-11-24
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