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The coefficients of the DCT domain motion compensation error or the original image information convert into blocks are represented by different frequency components. It has two advantages: first, signal 1, most of the energy in the small range is concentrated in the frequency domain. Such a description is an important part of several key points. Second, mapping the frequency domain decomposition process to the human visual system.
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丫头文章\丫头文章\一种像素级的图像篡改认证算法.pdf 213267 2007-11-01
丫头文章\丫头文章\一种具有自我恢复功能的脆弱性水印技术.pdf 342911 2007-11-01
丫头文章\丫头文章\一种基于Matlab的脆弱水印技术.pdf 380777 2007-11-01
丫头文章\丫头文章\一种基于分块DCT的混沌半脆弱图像水印技术.pdf 430185 2007-11-01
丫头文章\丫头文章\一种定位精确的混沌脆弱数字水印技术.pdf 147348 2007-11-01
丫头文章\丫头文章\一种适用于二值图像的数字水印算法.pdf 379788 2007-11-01
丫头文章\丫头文章\使用频域LSB水印算法的鲁棒性分析.pdf 322357 2007-11-01
丫头文章\丫头文章\基于DCT变换的脆弱水印技术.pdf 303780 2007-11-01
丫头文章\丫头文章\基于像素点灰度值奇偶性的数字图像水印方案.pdf 303878 2007-11-01
丫头文章\丫头文章\基于图像内容可恢复的脆弱水印技术.pdf 658047 2007-11-01
丫头文章\丫头文章\基于混沌的自嵌入安全水印算法.pdf 669895 2007-11-01
丫头文章\丫头文章\基于混沌置乱的分块自嵌入水印算法.pdf 1148842 2007-11-01
丫头文章\丫头文章\基于随机分块的脆弱性水印算法设计.pdf 220259 2007-11-01
丫头文章\丫头文章\用于图像篡改定位和恢复的分层半脆弱数字水印算法.pdf 951687 2007-11-01
丫头文章\丫头文章\能区分图像或水印篡改的脆弱水印方案.pdf 563202 2007-11-01
丫头文章\丫头文章 0 2007-11-08
丫头文章\丫头需要的文章列表.doc 408064 2007-11-01
丫头文章 0 2007-11-08
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