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  • Category : GUI Develop
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  • Update : 2018-04-17
  • Size : 23.78mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :35***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The interface designed with MFC framework uses buttons, picture control and so on.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
界面\Debug\界面.exe 177152 2017-11-01
界面\Debug\界面.ilk 1058808 2017-11-01
界面\Debug\界面.pdb 5090304 2017-11-01
界面\界面\bmp.bmp 106561 2015-03-24
界面\界面\Debug\cl.command.1.tlog 2280 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\ 71562 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\CL.write.1.tlog 1592 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\ 2 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\link-cvtres.write.1.tlog 2 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\ 2 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\link.2636-cvtres.write.1.tlog 2 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\ 2 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\link.2636.write.1.tlog 2 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\link.command.1.tlog 1758 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\ 5502 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\link.write.1.tlog 1172 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\mt.command.1.tlog 734 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\ 684 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\mt.write.1.tlog 502 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\rc.command.1.tlog 1100 2015-03-25
界面\界面\Debug\ 3884 2015-03-25
界面\界面\Debug\rc.write.1.tlog 534 2015-03-25
界面\界面\Debug\stdafx.obj 642985 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\vc100.idb 2001920 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\vc100.pdb 3461120 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\界面.Build.CppClean.log 2405 2015-03-25
界面\界面\Debug\界面.exe.embed.manifest 915 2015-03-25
界面\界面\Debug\界面.exe.embed.manifest.res 980 2015-03-25
界面\界面\Debug\界面.exe.intermediate.manifest 640 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\界面.lastbuildstate 75 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\界面.log 2893 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\界面.obj 29949 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\界面.pch 33685504 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\界面.res 80232 2015-03-25
界面\界面\Debug\界面.vcxprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache 713 2015-10-25
界面\界面\Debug\界面.write.1.tlog 0 2015-10-25
界面\界面\Debug\界面Dlg.obj 77895 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug\界面_manifest.rc 194 2015-03-25
界面\界面\ReadMe.txt 3082 2015-03-24
界面\界面\res\bitmap1.bmp 10202 2015-03-24
界面\界面\res\bitmap2.bmp 1270 2009-08-31
界面\界面\res\bmp.bmp 106561 2015-03-24
界面\界面\res\My.rc2 660 2015-03-24
界面\界面\res\界面.ico 67777 2009-08-31
界面\界面\resource.h 2820 2015-03-25
界面\界面\stdafx.cpp 137 2015-03-24
界面\界面\stdafx.h 1632 2015-03-24
界面\界面\targetver.h 234 2015-03-24
界面\界面\界面.aps 107372 2015-03-25
界面\界面\界面.cpp 1967 2015-03-24
界面\界面\界面.h 430 2015-03-24
界面\界面\界面.rc 11208 2015-03-25
界面\界面\界面.vcxproj 5946 2015-03-24
界面\界面\界面.vcxproj.filters 2065 2015-03-24
界面\界面\界面.vcxproj.user 143 2015-03-24
界面\界面\界面Dlg.cpp 10300 2016-09-24
界面\界面\界面Dlg.h 1125 2015-04-13
界面\界面.sdf 64966656 2017-11-01
界面\界面.sln 885 2015-03-24
界面\界面.suo 18944 2017-11-01
界面\ipch\界面-f053b215 0 2017-11-01
界面\界面\Debug 0 2017-11-01
界面\界面\res 0 2015-07-17
界面\Debug 0 2015-10-25
界面\ipch 0 2017-11-01
界面\界面 0 2015-03-25
界面 0 2017-11-01
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
  • Please use Winrar for decompression tools
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