Category : Algorithm
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- Update : 2018-04-18
- Size : 446kb
- Downloaded :0次
- Author :1 。。****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The Fibonacci series (Fibonacci sequence), also known as the golden segmented sequence, is introduced by the mathematician Leonardoda Fibonacci (Leonardoda Fibonacci) as an example of rabbit reproduction, so it is also called "Rabbit Series", which refers to such a series: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and... In mathematics, the Fibonacci series is defined as follows: F (0) =1, F (1) =1, F (n) =F (n-1) +F (n-2) in modern physics, quasicrystal structure, chemistry and other fields, and the Fibonacci series have direct applications. For this reason, the American National Mathematics Association published the quarterly of Fibonacci from 1963. In the name of a mathematical magazine, it is devoted to the research results in this field.
Packet file list
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Filename | Size | Update |
斐波那契数列 | 0 | 2018-04-18
斐波那契数列\mainfeibonaxieshulie.cpp | 356 | 2018-03-23
斐波那契数列\mainfeibonaxieshulie.o | 2439 | 2018-03-23
斐波那契数列\斐波那契数列.dev | 774 | 2018-03-23
斐波那契数列\斐波那契数列.exe | 1921107 | 2018-03-23
斐波那契数列\斐波那契数列.layout | 92 | 2018-03-26 |
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