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  • Update : 2018-04-21
  • Size : 277kb
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Packet file list
(Preview for download)
debug.log 0 2000-11-18
65AddNewUserDlg.h 1616 2000-02-14
cpp\asciitab.h 2978 1999-12-29
ChatDlg.h 1738 2000-02-07
ChatPage.h 1525 2000-03-09
ChatSheet.h 1397 2000-02-11
DlgProxy.h 1584 2000-01-19
ErrorDlg.h 1323 2000-03-28
FileXferDlg.h 1652 2000-03-16
GroupChatDlg.h 1590 2000-02-11
cpp\hashtable.h 2073 1999-12-29
cpp\iasciitab.h 3049 1999-12-29
InputBox.h 1213 2000-02-11
Jabba.h 1281 2000-02-07
Jabba_i.h 4955 2000-11-18
JabbaDlg.h 6401 2000-03-28
cpp\jabberoo.h 6813 1999-12-29
JabberUser.h 2276 2000-03-30
JoinGroupChatDlg.h 1401 1999-12-23
JSocket.h 12370 2000-11-18
cpp\latin1tab.h 3031 1999-12-29
LoginBox.h 1450 2000-03-06
LogoffDlg.h 1373 2000-02-14
MessageDlg.h 2043 2000-03-10
MessageHistory.h 1949 2000-03-30
cpp\nametab.h 7200 1999-12-29
Options.h 2473 2000-03-06
OutgoingMessage.h 1741 2000-03-10
ParsedString.h 646 2000-02-07
PropAgents.h 0 2000-03-09
props.h 15220 2000-03-13
resource.h 13665 2000-11-18
richtext.h 5151 2000-01-31
SearchPage1.h 1500 2000-03-16
SearchPage2.h 1749 2000-03-16
SearchPage3.h 1695 2000-03-28
SearchWizard.h 1361 2000-03-16
SendContactsDlg.h 1385 2000-02-07
StdAfx.h 1867 2000-01-19
cpp\utf8tab.h 2982 1999-12-29
WebServer.h 1276 2000-03-16
XferRecvDlg.h 1554 2000-03-16
cpp\xmldef.h 2134 1999-12-29
cpp\xmlparse.h 18528 1999-12-29
cpp\xmlrole.h 3404 1999-12-29
cpp\xmltok.h 11072 1999-12-29
cpp\xmltok_impl.h 1891 1999-12-29
cpp\hashtable.c 3754 1999-12-29
Jabba_i.c 1135 2000-11-18
cpp\xmlparse.c 93405 1999-12-29
cpp\xmlrole.c 25251 1999-12-29
cpp\xmltok.c 38554 1999-12-29
cpp\xmltok_impl.c 42248 1999-12-29
cpp\xmltok_ns.c 2509 1999-12-29
ChatDlg.cpp 5153 2000-10-21
ChatPage.cpp 3660 2000-03-09
ChatSheet.cpp 1807 2000-03-10
DlgProxy.cpp 2375 2000-01-19
ErrorDlg.cpp 1979 2000-03-28
FileXferDlg.cpp 2782 2000-03-16
GroupChatDlg.cpp 4179 2000-03-10
InputBox.cpp 1246 2000-02-11
Jabba.cpp 2511 1999-12-24
JabbaDlg.cpp 89456 2000-11-18
cpp\jabberoo.cpp 14273 2000-02-10
JabberUser.cpp 12065 2000-03-30
JoinGroupChatDlg.cpp 1830 1999-12-23
JSocket.cpp 20672 2000-11-18
LoginBox.cpp 3187 2000-11-18
LogoffDlg.cpp 2533 2000-03-28
MessageDlg.cpp 10352 2000-03-30
MessageHistory.cpp 10118 2000-04-20
nAddNewUserDlg.cpp 4297 2000-03-28
Options.cpp 19051 2000-03-06
OutgoingMessage.cpp 4413 2000-03-30
ParsedString.cpp 2049 2000-02-08
PropAgents.cpp 7463 2000-03-09
PropConnection.cpp 6337 2000-03-09
PropMessages.cpp 5264 2000-03-09
PropRegister.cpp 4036 2000-03-09
PropRoster.cpp 9205 2000-03-09
PropSecurity.cpp 4103 2000-03-09
propuserdetails.cpp 5341 2000-03-09
PropUserInfo.cpp 4476 2000-03-13
richtext.cpp 16997 2000-01-31
SearchPage1.cpp 2746 2000-03-28
SearchPage2.cpp 4901 2000-03-28
SearchPage3.cpp 5818 2000-03-28
SearchWizard.cpp 1017 2000-03-16
SendContactsDlg.cpp 2326 2000-03-09
StdAfx.cpp 293 1999-12-24
WebServer.cpp 4848 2000-03-16
XferRecvDlg.cpp 4244 2000-03-16
RES\Updater.exe 24576 2000-03-28
RES\bitmap1.bmp 798 2000-03-30
RES\jabbalogo.bmp 3890 1999-12-19
RES\person.bmp 13866 2000-03-09
RES\toolbar1.bmp 358 2000-11-18
RES\Tree_ima.bmp 1654 2000-11-18
Jabba.aps 97108 2000-11-18
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