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  • Category : SCM
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  • Update : 2018-04-26
  • Size : 5.46mb
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  • Author :妖*****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
1. there are three red, yellow and green lights in east-west direction and north-south direction. 2. the East West trunk road and the north-south trunk road pass under the green light. 3. East and west main road and the north and South Main Road alternately control; 4. reminding the remaining time of the green light in real time; 5. the time can be adjusted; 6. haze or night mode button is pressed, all directions show yellow light.
Packet file list
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交通灯程序 0 2016-12-15
交通灯程序\CORE 0 2016-12-15
交通灯程序\CORE\core_cm3.c 17273 2010-06-07
交通灯程序\CORE\core_cm3.h 85714 2011-02-09
交通灯程序\CORE\startup_stm32f10x_hd.s 15503 2011-03-10
交通灯程序\HARDWARE 0 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\HARDWARE\DISPLAY 0 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\HARDWARE\DISPLAY\display.c 3014 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\HARDWARE\DISPLAY\display.h 198 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\HARDWARE\EXTI 0 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\HARDWARE\EXTI\exti.c 3778 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\HARDWARE\EXTI\exti.h 113 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\HARDWARE\KEY 0 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\HARDWARE\KEY\key.c 983 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\HARDWARE\KEY\key.h 819 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\HARDWARE\LED 0 2016-12-15
交通灯程序\HARDWARE\LED\led.c 1892 2016-12-15
交通灯程序\HARDWARE\LED\led.h 1120 2016-12-15
交通灯程序\HARDWARE\TIMER 0 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\HARDWARE\TIMER\timer.c 2186 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\HARDWARE\TIMER\timer.h 583 2016-12-15
交通灯程序\keilkilll.bat 399 2011-04-23
交通灯程序\OBJ 0 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\core_cm3.crf 3650 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\core_cm3.d 102 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\core_cm3.o 10864 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\delay.crf 272599 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\delay.d 765 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\delay.o 291632 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\display.crf 278244 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\display.d 850 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\display.o 294120 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\exti.crf 273699 2016-12-16
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交通灯程序\OBJ\led.crf 272994 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\led.d 729 2016-12-16
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交通灯程序\OBJ\main.o 296688 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\misc.crf 271672 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\misc.d 725 2016-12-16
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交通灯程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_gpio.crf 275165 2016-12-16
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交通灯程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_i2c.o 309268 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_it.crf 271073 2016-12-16
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交通灯程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_it.o 289436 2016-12-16
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交通灯程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_iwdg.o 290764 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_pwr.crf 273951 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_pwr.d 878 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_pwr.o 292688 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_rcc.crf 278735 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_rcc.d 878 2016-12-16
交通灯程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_rcc.o 299888 2016-12-16
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