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  • Update : 2018-04-26
  • Size : 1.05mb
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  • Author :maw***
  • About : Nobody
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Packet file list
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hookwnd.cpp 9349 2005-04-08
hookwnd.h 1955 2005-04-08
memdc.h 2884 2005-04-08
PageContact.cpp 3863 2005-04-08
PageContact.h 2225 2005-04-08
PageCustomize.cpp 4411 2005-04-08
PageCustomize.h 2375 2005-04-08
PageDates.cpp 2022 2005-04-08
PageDates.h 1835 2005-04-08
PageEmail.cpp 2461 2006-04-21
PageEmail.h 2021 2005-04-08
PageNote.cpp 2294 2006-04-12
PageNote.h 2005 2005-04-08
PagePhone.cpp 2623 2005-04-08
PagePhone.h 2061 2005-04-08
PropPageFrame.cpp 4145 2005-04-08
PropPageFrame.h 8603 2005-04-08
PropPageFrameBordered.cpp 2686 2005-04-08
PropPageFrameBordered.h 2302 2005-04-08
PropPageFrameDefault.cpp 9776 2005-04-08
PropPageFrameDefault.h 2803 2005-04-08
PropPageFrameEx.cpp 10048 2005-04-08
PropPageFrameEx.h 4804 2005-04-08
PropPageFrameOffice2003.cpp 5370 2005-04-08
PropPageFrameOffice2003.h 2576 2005-04-08
ReadMe.txt 3831 2005-04-08
res 0 2017-11-17
ResizableDialog.cpp 3955 2005-04-08
ResizableDialog.h 2777 2005-04-08
ResizableGrip.cpp 8140 2005-04-08
ResizableGrip.h 2404 2005-04-08
ResizableLayout.cpp 16326 2005-04-08
ResizableLayout.h 5459 2005-04-08
ResizableMinMax.cpp 2207 2005-04-08
ResizableMinMax.h 1755 2005-04-08
ResizableMsgSupport.h 1754 2005-04-08
ResizableMsgSupport.inl 2083 2005-04-08
ResizablePage.cpp 1939 2005-04-08
ResizablePage.h 2070 2005-04-08
ResizableSheet.cpp 8761 2005-04-08
ResizableSheet.h 3158 2005-04-08
ResizableState.cpp 3048 2005-04-08
ResizableState.h 1167 2005-04-08
resource.h 2993 2006-04-12
res\date-time.ico 25670 2005-04-08
res\EmptyImageList.bmp 1590 2006-04-21
res\mail.ico 25670 2005-04-08
res\mobilephone3.ico 25670 2005-04-08
res\note.ico 25670 2005-04-08
res\preferences.ico 25670 2005-04-08
res\telephone.ico 25670 2005-04-08
res\Thumbs.db 3072 2006-03-26
res\TreePropSheetEx_Demo.exe.manifest 658 2005-04-08
res\TreePropSheetEx_Demo.rc2 576 2005-04-08
res\user1.ico 25670 2005-04-08
sChildSheetsDlg.cpp 3553 2005-04-08
SHighColorTab.hpp 4341 2005-04-08
src 0 2017-11-17
src\HighColorTab.hpp 4341 2004-09-17
src\hookwnd.cpp 9349 2004-09-17
src\hookwnd.h 1955 2004-09-17
src\memdc.h 2884 2004-09-17
src\PropPageFrame.cpp 4145 2004-12-18
src\PropPageFrame.h 8603 2004-09-17
src\PropPageFrameBordered.cpp 2686 2004-09-17
src\PropPageFrameBordered.h 2302 2004-09-17
src\PropPageFrameEx.cpp 10048 2004-12-11
src\PropPageFrameEx.h 4804 2004-09-17
src\PropPageFrameOffice2003.cpp 5370 2004-12-18
src\PropPageFrameOffice2003.h 2576 2004-09-17
src\ResizableGrip.cpp 8140 2004-12-18
src\ResizableGrip.h 2404 2004-09-17
src\ResizableLayout.cpp 16326 2004-12-18
src\ResizableLayout.h 5459 2004-09-17
src\ResizableMinMax.cpp 2207 2004-09-17
src\ResizableMinMax.h 1755 2004-09-17
src\ResizableMsgSupport.h 1754 2004-09-17
src\ResizableMsgSupport.inl 2083 2004-09-17
src\ResizablePage.cpp 1939 2004-09-17
src\ResizablePage.h 2070 2004-09-17
src\ResizableState.cpp 3048 2004-09-17
src\ResizableState.h 1167 2004-09-17
src\ThemeLibEx.cpp 3760 2004-09-17
src\ThemeLibEx.h 4406 2004-12-18
src\TreePropSheetBase.cpp 44584 2005-04-03
src\TreePropSheetBase.h 24211 2005-04-03
src\TreePropSheetBordered.cpp 1908 2004-12-18
src\TreePropSheetBordered.h 2178 2004-12-18
src\TreePropSheetEx.cpp 16235 2005-04-01
src\TreePropSheetEx.h 11825 2004-12-18
src\TreePropSheetOffice2003.cpp 2771 2004-12-11
src\TreePropSheetOffice2003.h 2887 2004-12-11
src\TreePropSheetResizableLibHook.cpp 15654 2004-12-11
src\TreePropSheetResizableLibHook.h 5056 2004-09-17
src\TreePropSheetSplitter.cpp 20105 2004-12-11
src\TreePropSheetSplitter.h 7277 2004-09-17
src\TreePropSheetTreeCtrl.cpp 6009 2005-04-03
src\TreePropSheetTreeCtrl.h 2610 2005-04-03
src\TreePropSheetUtil.hpp 5673 2005-04-02
StdAfx.cpp 222 2005-04-08
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