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  • Category : SCM
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  • Update : 2018-04-26
  • Size : 7.65mb
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  • Author :lywR****
  • About : Nobody
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ZigBee exercise code, including serial communication, LED, buttons and so on.
Packet file list
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test\10sleep.c 2758 2016-05-03
test\10sleep.dep 1981 2016-06-19
test\10sleep.ewd 34306 2016-05-03
test\10sleep.ewp 56113 2016-05-03
test\11sleepUart.c 4268 2016-05-04
test\11sleepUart.dep 2013 2016-06-19
test\11sleepUart.ewd 34306 2016-05-04
test\11sleepUart.ewp 56225 2016-05-04
test\12sensorTempture.c 4788 2016-05-04
test\12sensorTempture.dep 1512 2016-06-19
test\12sensorTempture.ewd 34273 2016-05-04
test\12sensorTempture.ewp 55971 2016-05-04
test\14RF_TR_uart.c 4460 2016-06-01
test\14RF_TR_Uart.dep 2189 2016-06-19
test\14RF_TR_Uart.ewd 34306 2016-05-12
test\14RF_TR_Uart.ewp 56228 2016-05-12
test\15chipTem.c 3281 2016-06-10
test\15chipTem.dep 1990 2016-06-19
test\15chipTem.ewd 34306 2016-06-01
test\15chipTem.ewp 56257 2016-06-10
test\16chipTemRFsend.c 4953 2016-06-11
test\16chipTemRFsend.dep 2038 2016-06-19
test\16chipTemRFsend.ewd 34306 2016-06-01
test\16chipTemRFsend.ewp 56275 2016-06-10
test\17receiveControlMsg.c 2729 2016-06-11
test\17receiveControlMsg.dep 2246 2016-06-19
test\17receiveControlMsg.ewd 34292 2016-06-11
test\17receiveControlMsg.ewp 56137 2016-06-11
test\18getTemSendControl.c 4993 2016-06-11
test\18getTemSendControl.dep 2244 2016-06-19
test\18getTemSendControl.ewd 34306 2016-06-11
test\18getTemSendControl.ewp 56245 2016-06-11
test\1Led.c 409 2016-04-30
test\1Led.dep 3134 2016-06-19
test\1Led.ewd 34274 2016-03-26
test\1Led.ewp 56205 2016-04-30
test\1Led.eww 1746 2016-06-11
test\2timer1.c 1475 2016-06-17
test\2Timer1.dep 2193 2016-06-19
test\2Timer1.ewd 34274 2016-03-26
test\2Timer1.ewp 56214 2016-06-17
test\3timer1Interrupt.c 2459 2015-12-14
test\3timer1Interrupt.dep 2517 2016-06-19
test\3timer1Interrupt.ewd 34274 2016-03-26
test\3timer1Interrupt.ewp 56297 2016-06-17
test\4interrupt.c 2223 2015-12-04
test\4interrupt.dep 3870 2016-06-19
test\4interrupt.ewd 34274 2016-03-26
test\4interrupt.ewp 56238 2016-03-26
test\4interrupt2.c 1081 2015-12-08
test\4interrupt2.dep 2054 2016-06-19
test\4interrupt2.ewd 34274 2016-03-26
test\4interrupt2.ewp 56226 2016-06-01
test\5keyinterrupt.c 1556 2015-12-08
test\5keyinterrupt.dep 2243 2016-06-19
test\5keyinterrupt.ewd 34274 2016-03-26
test\5keyinterrupt.ewp 56191 2016-03-26
test\6power1.dep 386 2016-06-19
test\6power1.ewd 34274 2016-03-26
test\6power1.ewp 56019 2016-03-26
test\71uart.c 2766 2016-05-02
test\71uart.dep 3304 2016-06-19
test\71uart.ewd 34306 2016-05-02
test\71uart.ewp 56228 2016-05-02
test\7uart.c 4914 2016-05-02
test\7uart.dep 2105 2016-06-19
test\7uart.ewd 34274 2016-03-26
test\7uart.ewp 56260 2016-04-30
test\8uartTR.c 11077 2016-05-02
test\8uartTR.dep 2208 2016-06-19
test\8uartTR.ewd 34306 2016-04-30
test\8uartTR.ewp 56213 2016-04-30
test\9uartTRInterruptAll.c 4437 2016-05-02
test\9uartTRInterruptAll.dep 2304 2016-06-19
test\9uartTRInterruptAll.ewd 34306 2016-05-02
test\9uartTRInterruptAll.ewp 56245 2016-05-02
test\Backup of 1Led.ewd 26857 2015-12-02
test\Backup of 1Led.ewp 53064 2015-12-02
test\Backup of 2Timer1.ewd 26857 2015-12-02
test\Backup of 2Timer1.ewp 53066 2015-12-02
test\Backup of 3timer1Interrupt.ewd 26857 2015-12-02
test\Backup of 3timer1Interrupt.ewp 53227 2015-12-03
test\Backup of 4interrupt.ewd 26857 2015-12-03
test\Backup of 4interrupt.ewp 53213 2015-12-03
test\Backup of 4interrupt2.ewd 26857 2015-12-04
test\Backup of 4interrupt2.ewp 53156 2015-12-04
test\Backup of 5keyinterrupt.ewd 26857 2015-12-04
test\Backup of 5keyinterrupt.ewp 53166 2015-12-04
test\Backup of 6power1.ewd 26857 2015-12-08
test\Backup of 6power1.ewp 52945 2015-12-08
test\Backup of 7uart.ewd 26857 2016-03-10
test\Backup of 7uart.ewp 53066 2015-12-10
test\Backup of t1.ewd 26846 2016-01-06
test\Backup of t1.ewp 52912 2016-01-06
test\Basic\demo template\Debug\Exe\test.d51 6873 2012-02-13
test\Basic\demo template\Debug\Obj\test.pbd 126 2015-12-22
test\Basic\demo template\Debug\Obj\test.r51 4101 2012-02-13
test\Basic\demo template\settings\test.cspy.bat 2496 2015-12-22
test\Basic\demo template\settings\test.dbgdt 5026 2015-12-22
test\Basic\demo template\settings\test.dni 676 2015-12-22
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