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  • Category : OS program
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  • Update : 2018-04-27
  • Size : 229kb
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  • Author :Juj***
  • About : Nobody
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Packet file list
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3Attribute.cpp 6863 2004-06-27
AttributeContainer.cpp 7182 2004-06-23
AttributeContainer.h 878 2004-06-21
BAddParameterDialog.cpp 5692 2004-06-27
ClassAttributePropertyDialog.cpp 7647 2004-06-25
ClassAttributePropertyDialog.h 1751 2004-06-27
ClassDisplayPropertyDialog.cpp 2762 2004-06-27
ClassDisplayPropertyDialog.h 1332 2004-06-27
ClassOperationPropertyDialog.cpp 12616 2004-06-23
ClassOperationPropertyDialog.h 2089 2004-06-27
DiagramEditor 0 2017-10-25
DiagramEditor\DiagramClipboardHandler.cpp 6990 2004-07-07
DiagramEditor\DiagramClipboardHandler.h 651 2004-06-04
DiagramEditor\DiagramEditor.cpp 165710 2004-08-28
DiagramEditor\DiagramEditor.h 11914 2004-08-09
DiagramEditor\DiagramEntity.cpp 51488 2004-08-28
DiagramEditor\DiagramEntity.h 4270 2004-08-05
DiagramEditor\DiagramEntityContainer.cpp 37155 2004-08-04
DiagramEditor\DiagramEntityContainer.h 2707 2004-08-04
DiagramEditor\DiagramLine.cpp 9906 2004-06-28
DiagramEditor\DiagramLine.h 773 2004-06-04
DiagramEditor\DiagramMenu.cpp 4226 2004-07-07
DiagramEditor\DiagramMenu.h 278 2004-04-05
DiagramEditor\DiagramPropertyDlg.cpp 6133 2004-06-28
DiagramEditor\DiagramPropertyDlg.h 608 2004-06-04
DiagramEditor\GroupFactory.cpp 1102 2004-07-07
DiagramEditor\GroupFactory.h 458 2004-06-26
DiagramEditor\Tokenizer.cpp 6212 2004-08-28
DiagramEditor\Tokenizer.h 837 2004-06-18
DiagramEditor\UndoItem.cpp 1631 2004-06-28
DiagramEditor\UndoItem.h 493 2004-06-14
DiskObject 0 2017-10-25
DiskObject\DiskObject.cpp 36912 2004-08-04
DiskObject\DiskObject.h 2219 2004-08-04
ExListBox.cpp 7664 2004-06-23
ExListBox.h 1480 2004-06-21
GetterSetterDialog.cpp 3619 2004-06-27
GetterSetterDialog.h 1299 2004-06-27
LinkFactory.cpp 1318 2004-06-21
LinkFactory.h 392 2004-05-01
oAttribute.h 840 2004-06-27
Operation.cpp 10366 2004-07-12
Operation.h 1234 2004-06-27
OperationContainer.cpp 7219 2004-06-23
OperationContainer.h 879 2004-06-14
Parameter.cpp 7605 2004-06-27
Parameter.h 887 2004-06-27
ParameterContainer.cpp 9674 2004-06-27
ParameterContainer.h 1013 2004-06-27
Property.cpp 4435 2004-06-26
Property.h 689 2004-06-21
PropertyContainer.cpp 11664 2004-08-28
PropertyContainer.h 1163 2004-07-08
PropertyListEditorDialog.cpp 10159 2004-08-28
PropertyListEditorDialog.h 1753 2004-07-12
res 0 2017-10-25
resource.h 5607 2004-07-12
res\attach.cur 326 2004-06-27
res\draw.cur 326 2004-06-27
res\up.cur 326 2004-06-27
res\up.ico 766 2004-06-27
StringHelpers.cpp 2501 2004-06-24
StringHelpers.h 947 2004-07-12
TextFile 0 2017-10-25
TextFile\TextFile.cpp 19812 2004-06-22
TextFile\TextFile.h 1171 2004-06-22
UMLClassPropertyDialog.cpp 25619 2004-07-11
UMLClassPropertyDialog.h 2229 2004-06-27
UMLClipboardHandler.cpp 6076 2004-08-04
UMLClipboardHandler.h 565 2004-05-30
UMLControlFactory.cpp 2766 2004-08-28
UMLControlFactory.h 270 2004-05-14
UMLEditor.cpp 46943 2004-08-28
UMLEditor.h 2698 2004-08-05
UMLEditor.rc 25603 2004-07-12
UMLEditorPropertyDialog.cpp 3431 2004-06-27
UMLEditorPropertyDialog.h 1411 2004-06-27
UMLEntity.cpp 20291 2004-08-05
UMLEntity.h 2687 2004-06-27
UMLEntityClass.cpp 68363 2004-08-28
UMLEntityClass.h 3038 2004-08-05
UMLEntityClassTemplate.cpp 28072 2004-07-12
UMLEntityClassTemplate.h 1101 2004-07-12
UMLEntityContainer.cpp 86551 2004-08-28
UMLEntityContainer.h 4422 2004-08-05
UMLEntityDummy.cpp 4007 2004-07-05
UMLEntityDummy.h 705 2004-07-05
UMLEntityInterface.cpp 10565 2004-06-27
UMLEntityInterface.h 702 2004-06-27
UMLEntityLabel.cpp 16550 2004-06-27
UMLEntityLabel.h 1211 2004-06-10
UMLEntityNote.cpp 11723 2004-06-27
UMLEntityNote.h 779 2004-06-27
UMLEntityPackage.cpp 12726 2004-06-27
UMLEntityPackage.h 787 2004-06-27
UMLInterfacePropertyDialog.cpp 6684 2004-06-27
UMLInterfacePropertyDialog.h 1408 2004-06-27
UMLLabelPropertyDialog.cpp 6179 2004-06-27
UMLLabelPropertyDialog.h 1499 2004-06-27
UMLLineSegment.cpp 69166 2004-08-28
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