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  • Category : OS program
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  • Update : 2018-04-27
  • Size : 785kb
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  • Author :bom***
  • About : Nobody
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Packet file list
(Preview for download)
readme.htm 223 2004-10-04
ReadMe.txt 4558 2004-05-29 2916 2004-10-04
GUILIB\HEADER\CBaseTab.h 1247 2002-07-14
GUILIB\bak\CGuiEditView.h 4374 2004-01-30
GUILIB\HEADER\CoolMenu.h 7750 2002-07-31
DirectoryDialog.h 1233 2004-06-11
DlgAutoSave.h 1254 2004-06-11
DlgFilter.h 1582 2004-06-11
DlgSend.h 1846 2005-06-14
GCheckSum.h 312 2004-05-27
Global.h 179 2004-05-30
GUILIB\bak\GuiADODB.h 9369 2004-01-30
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiBaseTab.h 1255 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiButton.h 4417 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiButtonTimer.h 1631 2002-07-26
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiCapOutBar.h 2589 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuicheckBox.h 2516 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiColors.h 1204 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiComboBoxExt.h 3518 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiComboFont.h 2808 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiContainer.h 3709 2002-07-24
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiControlBar.h 4463 2004-01-26
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiDocBarExten.h 1926 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiDockBar.h 1260 2004-01-30
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiDockContext.h 2345 2002-07-25
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiDockToolBar.h 2465 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiDocSpecial.h 1726 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiDrawLayer.h 2913 2002-08-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiDropDownEdit.h 1802 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiEdit.h 3312 2002-07-14
GUILIB\bak\GuiEditView.h 4374 2004-01-30
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiFDir.h 1861 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiFile.h 1521 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiFolder.h 3588 2002-07-21
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiFolderFlat.h 1200 2002-07-25
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiFrameWnd.h 2313 2004-05-30
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiGroupBox.h 2213 2002-07-20
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiHeaderCtrl.h 3151 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiImageLinkButton.h 1829 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiLabelButton.h 1224 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiLib.h 1115 2004-05-30
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiLinkButton.h 2711 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiListEdit.h 1993 2002-07-17
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiMDIFrame.h 3446 2002-07-19
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiMDITabbed.h 1229 2004-01-30
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiMiniFrame.h 2352 2002-08-07
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiMiniFrameWnd.h 2626 2002-08-19
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiMiniSplitter.h 2800 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiMiniTool.h 4704 2004-05-18
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiNormalButton.h 1210 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiOfficeBar.h 2097 2002-07-27
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiOutLook.h 3556 2002-07-24
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiOutLookView.h 1884 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiPanelAccess.h 1659 2002-07-26
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiPowerPointView.h 1477 2002-07-16
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiRadioButton.h 2741 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiSliderCtrl.h 2343 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiSplitter.h 2414 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiSplitterWnd.h 1402 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiStaticStandar.h 2131 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiStatusBar.h 1520 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiSysTray.h 1861 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiTabbed.h 1712 2002-07-28
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiTabPowerPoint.h 1517 2002-07-18
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiTabWnd.h 3951 2004-01-31
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiToolBarWnd.h 5147 2004-01-30
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiToolButton.h 2205 2002-08-12
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiView.h 2305 2002-07-31
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiViewWorkTab.h 1483 2002-08-07
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiVisioFolder.h 1325 2002-07-14
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiWorkPanel.h 1702 2002-07-24
GUILIB\HEADER\GuiWorkTab.h 2465 2002-08-07
ListCtrlEx.h 2614 2004-06-07
MainFrm.h 4058 2005-06-14
GUILIB\HEADER\MenuBar.h 14660 2002-11-20
GUILIB\HEADER\NewMenu.h 12510 2002-09-22
Resource.h 5276 2004-06-15
SCC.h 1473 2004-06-10
SCCSendEdit.h 1368 2004-06-01
SCCView.h 1427 2004-05-31
SendFrameWnd.h 1679 2005-06-14
SerialPort.h 4484 2004-06-21
StatLink.h 1323 2004-06-10
StdAfx.h 1248 2004-05-29
GUILIB\HEADER\Subclass.h 2967 2004-01-30
Transmit.h 1236 2004-06-09
XRichEditCtrl.h 3270 2004-06-17
XRichEditView.h 4376 2004-06-02
GUILIB\bak\CGuiEditView.cpp 14401 2004-01-30
GUILIB\SRC\CoolMenu.cpp 36934 2004-06-03
DlgAutoSave.cpp 1401 2004-06-11
DlgFilter.cpp 4205 2004-06-11
DlgSend.cpp 8194 2004-06-11
Global.cpp 271 2004-05-30
GUILIB\bak\GuiADODB.cpp 26969 2004-01-30
GUILIB\SRC\GuiButton.cpp 24071 2004-05-30
GUILIB\SRC\GuiButtonTimer.cpp 2386 2004-05-10
GUILIB\SRC\GuiCapOutBar.cpp 5003 2004-05-10
GUILIB\SRC\GuicheckBox.cpp 9259 2004-05-10
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