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  • Category : USB develop
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  • Update : 2018-04-27
  • Size : 23.74mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :TIM***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
VS2010 development can debug USB HID devices of small tools, you can test the stability of the HID device, or reference opinions based on USB HID other communications equipment, the software have been tested multiple HID platform;Interested friends can have a look.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
HID_Tool\.DS_Store 8196 2015-10-22
HID_Tool\Debug\HID_Tool.exe 2388992 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\Debug\HID_Tool.ilk 6900044 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\Debug\HID_Tool.pdb 12839936 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Debug\BuildLog.htm 10840 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Debug\HID_Tool.exe.embed.manifest 406 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Debug\HID_Tool.exe.embed.manifest.res 472 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Debug\HID_Tool.exe.intermediate.manifest 381 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Debug\HID_Tool.obj 28289 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Debug\HID_Tool.pch 24772608 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Debug\HID_Tool.res 33700 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Debug\HID_ToolDlg.obj 125920 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Debug\mt.dep 65 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Debug\stdafx.obj 464577 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Debug\vc90.idb 912384 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Debug\vc90.pdb 1978368 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\hid.lib 12384 2001-08-17
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\hidpi.h 80543 2009-01-19
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\hidsdi.h 14555 2009-01-19
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\hidusage.h 11029 2009-01-19
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\HID_Tool.aps 58992 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\HID_Tool.cpp 1673 2015-05-06
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\HID_Tool.h 453 2015-05-06
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\HID_Tool.rc 6156 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\HID_Tool.vcproj 5492 2015-05-07
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\HID_Tool.vcproj.SUNYM-PC.SUNYM.user 1413 2015-10-22
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\HID_Tool.vcxproj 7872 2018-04-27
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\HID_Tool.vcxproj.filters 1982 2018-04-27
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\HID_Tool.vcxproj.user 143 2018-04-27
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\HID_ToolDlg.cpp 19665 2015-10-22
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\HID_ToolDlg.h 1709 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\ReadMe.txt 2781 2015-05-06
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Release\BuildLog.htm 10450 2015-10-22
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Release\HID_Tool.exe.intermediate.manifest 381 2015-10-22
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Release\HID_Tool.obj 36439 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Release\HID_Tool.pch 25624576 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Release\HID_Tool.res 33700 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Release\HID_ToolDlg.obj 105352 2015-10-22
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Release\mt.dep 65 2015-10-22
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Release\stdafx.obj 2549720 2015-05-11
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Release\vc90.idb 510976 2015-10-22
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Release\vc90.pdb 1986560 2015-10-22
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\res\HID_Tool.ico 21630 2003-07-24
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\res\HID_Tool.rc2 364 2015-05-06
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\resource.h 1278 2015-05-07
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\setupapi.lib 151818 2006-09-13
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\stdafx.cpp 139 2015-05-06
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\stdafx.h 1796 2015-05-06
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\targetver.h 1030 2015-05-06
HID_Tool\HID_Tool.ncb 23776256 2015-10-22
HID_Tool\HID_Tool.sln 891 2018-04-27
HID_Tool\HID_Tool.sln.old 890 2015-05-06
HID_Tool\HID_Tool.suo 39936 2018-04-27
HID_Tool\HID_Tool.suo.old 39424 2015-10-22
HID_Tool\Release\hid_rom.bin 86668 2010-09-19
HID_Tool\Release\HID_Tool.exe 360960 2015-10-22
HID_Tool\Release\HID_Tool.pdb 6368256 2015-10-22
HID_Tool\UpgradeLog.XML 1778 2018-04-27
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Debug 0 2017-08-16
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\Release 0 2017-08-16
HID_Tool\HID_Tool\res 0 2017-08-16
HID_Tool\Debug 0 2017-08-16
HID_Tool\HID_Tool 0 2018-04-27
HID_Tool\Release 0 2017-08-16
HID_Tool 0 2018-04-27
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