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  • Category : GUI Develop
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  • Update : 2018-04-27
  • Size : 325kb
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  • Author :wrm****
  • About : Nobody
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Packet file list
(Preview for download)
Readme.txt 2942 2000-07-26
mAciklama.Txt 340 2000-05-15
skinsys.htm 4156 2000-05-15
Sample\skin.ini 1648 2000-06-12
SkinSys\AnimatedLabel.h 2026 2000-06-15
sBDecoder\Args.h 4238 2000-05-29
sBDecoder\AUDIO.H 746 1999-09-29
SkinSys\BitmapBtn.h 2319 2000-06-15
SkinSys\BitmapProgress.h 2101 2000-06-18
SkinSys\BitmapSlider.h 2105 2000-06-15
sBDecoder\COMMON.H 1263 1999-06-17
sBDecoder\DECODER.H 8386 1999-06-30
sBDecoder\ELSOUND.H 8052 1999-06-29
sBDecoder\HELPER.H 303 1999-06-03
sBDecoder\HUFFMAN.H 16084 1999-06-15
SkinSys\IniFile.H 906 2000-06-15
MPEGPlayer.h 1368 2000-05-29
MPEGPlayerDlg.h 1849 2000-06-15
sBDecoder\player.h 2001 2000-03-10
resource.h 1335 2000-06-15
SkinSys\SkinButton.h 1866 2000-06-15
SkinSys\SkinDialog.h 4417 2000-07-26
SkinSys\SkinLabel.h 1781 2000-06-15
SkinSys\SkinProgress.h 1874 2000-06-18
SkinSys\SkinSlider.h 2089 2000-06-15
StdAfx.h 1059 2000-05-29
sBDecoder\stream.h 1778 1999-12-17
sBDecoder\Tables.h 9304 1999-12-17
SkinSys\AnimatedLabel.cpp 3222 2000-06-15
sBDecoder\Audio.cpp 31815 2000-05-29
SkinSys\BitmapBtn.cpp 5378 2000-06-15
SkinSys\BitmapProgress.cpp 3306 2000-06-18
SkinSys\BitmapSlider.cpp 3925 2000-06-15
sBDecoder\DECODER.CPP 106337 1999-12-17
sBDecoder\HELPER.CPP 1878 1999-06-09
SkinSys\Inifile.Cpp 2103 2000-06-15
MPEGPlayer.cpp 1913 2000-05-29
MPEGPlayerDlg.cpp 12459 2003-02-21
sBDecoder\Player.cpp 19776 2000-05-14
SkinSys\SkinButton.cpp 2116 2000-06-15
SkinSys\SkinDialog.cpp 26758 2003-02-21
SkinSys\SkinLabel.cpp 1695 2000-06-15
SkinSys\SkinProgress.cpp 1990 2000-06-18
SkinSys\SkinSlider.cpp 2907 2000-06-15
StdAfx.cpp 212 2000-05-29
sBDecoder\stream.cpp 20220 1999-12-17
sBDecoder\tabinit.cpp 2 1999-05-08
MPEGPlayer.exe 258048 2000-07-26
Editor\SkinEditor.exe 39424 2000-07-26
Sample\Mask.bmp 11814 2000-06-15
MPEGPlayer.dsp 6869 2000-06-11
MPEGPlayer.dsw 543 2000-05-29
res\MPEGPlayer.ico 1078 2000-05-29
MPEGPlayer.ncb 238592 2006-03-06
MPEGPlayer.opt 81920 2006-03-06
MPEGPlayer.plg 1529 2003-02-21
MPEGPlayer.rc 5802 2000-06-15
res\MPEGPlayer.rc2 402 2000-05-29
Sample\EQTNormal.jpg 756 2000-06-01
Sample\EQTSel.jpg 662 2000-06-01
Sample\Main.jpg 20412 2000-06-01
Sample\Over.jpg 18518 2000-06-01
Sample.jpg 33169 2000-07-26
Sample\Selected.jpg 19418 2000-06-01
Sample\VolTNormal.jpg 532 2000-06-01
Sample\VolTSel.jpg 604 2000-06-01
Editor 0 2017-10-25
res 0 2017-10-25
Sample 0 2017-10-25
sBDecoder 0 2017-10-25
SkinSys 0 2017-10-25
x2Debug 0 2005-11-22
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
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