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Packet file list
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LIB6\Dummy.txt 54 2002-01-31
LIB7\Dummy.txt 54 2002-01-31
History.txt 30491 2002-10-19
TODO.TXT 1611 2001-12-23
VClassHierarchy.txt 2970 2002-08-27
IO\all.h 204 2001-06-12
Strings\all.h 247 2001-06-12
Windows\all.h 267 2001-09-15
Coords\all.h 281 2001-06-12
Threads\ALL.H 292 2002-01-25
Windows\Common Dialogs\all.h 295 2001-06-12
Exceptions\all.h 296 2002-08-27
Shell\All.h 303 2002-10-19
Menus\all.h 312 2002-03-30
Windows\Controls\all.h 355 2001-06-12
Collectors\all.h 375 2002-08-03
Layout\all.h 404 2001-06-12
GDI\all.h 434 2001-06-12
Tools\All.h 534 2002-07-03
Windows\Custom Controls\ALL.H 603 2002-08-07
Windows\Common Controls\ALL.H 683 2002-01-14
Windows\Common Controls\animation.h 2526 2002-03-23
Collectors\Array.h 7453 2002-08-03
Windows\Custom Controls\balloonhelp.h 12096 2002-09-02
GDI\BITMAP.H 1814 2002-05-28
Menus\bitmapmenu.h 3714 2002-09-17
Tools\boyermoore.h 1241 2001-10-25
Windows\Custom Controls\brainchild.h 8545 2002-07-19
Windows\Custom Controls\brainchild++.h 7702 2002-03-23
Windows\Custom Controls\BROWSER.H 1361 2002-08-07
GDI\brush.h 1125 2000-09-30
GDI\bufferdc.h 2526 2002-08-01
Windows\Controls\button.h 3925 2002-03-23
Windows\Controls\checkbox.h 1690 2001-08-05
Collectors\Collector.h 1805 2002-05-24
Tools\color.h 5654 2002-06-22
Windows\Common Dialogs\colordialog.h 2418 2001-08-05
Windows\Custom Controls\colorpicker.h 1639 2002-05-29
Windows\Custom Controls\colorpopup.h 3978 2002-08-20
Windows\Controls\combobox.h 10945 2002-03-23
Windows\Common Controls\comboboxex.h 5589 2002-03-23
Windows\Custom Controls\combocompletion.h 3507 2000-12-29
Windows\Common Controls\commoncontrol.h 3582 2001-05-05
Windows\Common Dialogs\commondialog.h 2090 2002-09-04
Tools\Crc16.h 1036 2002-09-04
Tools\Crc32.h 1060 2002-09-04
Threads\criticalsection.h 1089 2002-01-24
DALL.H 662 2002-10-19
Windows\Common Controls\datetime.h 5073 2002-03-23
GDI\DC.H 42074 2002-08-17
Windows\DIALOG.H 2833 2002-03-30
Windows\Custom Controls\dirbrowser.h 5182 2002-07-03
Tools\DrawState.h 191 2002-06-22
Tools\drawtools.h 1318 2002-09-28
Windows\Controls\edit.h 11227 2002-03-23
Threads\EVENT.H 1272 2002-01-24
Exceptions\exception.h 937 2002-08-27
IO\file.h 1535 2000-12-25
Windows\Custom Controls\filebrowser.h 3110 2002-05-29
Windows\Common Dialogs\filedialog.h 2204 2002-09-04
Windows\Custom Controls\filedirbrowser.h 1384 2002-08-20
Windows\Custom Controls\filedirtree.h 2307 2002-05-07
Exceptions\fileexception.h 618 2002-08-27
Tools\FINDFILE.H 2911 2001-12-05
Windows\Custom Controls\flatbutton.h 1653 2002-07-15
GDI\font.h 1330 2001-03-01
Windows\Common Dialogs\fontdialog.h 1372 2001-08-05
GDI\gdiobject.h 1055 2000-09-30
GDI\getdc.h 1215 2001-10-19
Collectors\HASH.H 5776 2002-10-19
Windows\Common Controls\header.h 6649 2002-03-23
Windows\Custom Controls\hotbutton.h 3432 2002-07-15
Windows\Custom Controls\hyperlink.h 1713 2002-01-04
Windows\Common Controls\imagelist.h 8518 2002-03-23
Windows\Custom Controls\INFOBAR.H 1930 2002-03-20
Windows\Custom Controls\infocontrol.h 5905 2002-01-04
Shell\interface.h 862 2002-09-13
Windows\Common Controls\ipaddress.h 2723 2002-03-23
Layout\layout.h 6581 2001-08-06
Layout\lcheckbox.h 1319 2000-11-07
Layout\lcombobox.h 1245 2000-11-07
Layout\ledit.h 1296 2001-06-02
Collectors\LinkedList.h 6377 2002-05-24
Windows\Controls\listbox.h 11283 2002-03-23
Windows\Common Controls\listview.h 25025 2002-03-23
Layout\llistbox.h 1390 2000-11-19
Layout\lpushbutton.h 1303 2000-11-08
Layout\lradiobutton.h 1359 2000-11-07
Layout\lstatic.h 2160 2000-11-19
Layout\ltab.h 1972 2001-08-06
Windows\mdiwindow.h 5366 2002-10-01
Exceptions\memoryexception.h 681 2002-08-27
Menus\MENU.H 4094 2002-10-05
Menus\menuiteminfo.h 1129 2001-06-26
Windows\messagebox.h 10293 2002-08-03
Tools\module.h 780 2001-06-03
Windows\Common Controls\monthcalendar.h 6935 2002-03-23
Tools\mru.h 1852 2002-09-17
Tools\multimonitor.h 6970 2002-02-23
Threads\MUTEX.H 765 2002-01-25
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