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  • Update : 2018-04-29
  • Size : 127kb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :Eli***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself

Packet file list
(Preview for download)
Readme.txt 2880 2000-07-28
gpl.txt 11254 1998-02-25
MapEdit\GhostList.h 811 2000-07-24
input.h 1283 2000-07-26
Jebitmap.h 1023 2000-07-26
kgame.h 1017 2000-07-26
MapEdit\MainFrm.h 1629 2000-07-22
MapEdit\MapEdit.h 1367 2000-07-22
MapEdit\MapEditDoc.h 1773 2000-07-24
MapEdit\MapEditView.h 2233 2000-07-24
MapEdit\MapWidthDlg.h 1221 2000-07-24
mytime.h 836 2000-07-26
MapEdit\ObjectTypeDlg.h 1277 2000-07-24
plane.h 1587 2000-07-25
win32\resource.h 454 2000-07-24
MapEdit\resource.h 1797 2000-07-24
sound.h 1230 2000-07-26
sprite.h 3222 2000-07-26
MapEdit\StdAfx.h 999 2000-07-22
type.h 358 2000-07-26
win32\wavread.h 1232 1999-06-18
linux\bitmap.cpp 2992 2000-07-26
win32\Bitmap.cpp 7871 2000-07-26
MapEdit\GhostList.cpp 2534 2000-07-24
linux\input.cpp 2796 2000-07-26
win32\Input.cpp 5643 2000-07-26
linux\main.cpp 2276 2000-07-26
MapEdit\MainFrm.cpp 2641 2000-07-24
MapEdit\MapEdit.cpp 4213 2000-07-22
MapEdit\MapEditDoc.cpp 4960 2000-07-24
MapEdit\MapEditView.cpp 11283 2000-07-24
MapEdit\MapWidthDlg.cpp 1145 2000-07-24
win32\mytime.cpp 741 2000-07-26
linux\mytime.cpp 926 2000-07-26
MapEdit\ObjectTypeDlg.cpp 1073 2000-07-24
plane.cpp 5057 2000-07-28
win32\Sound.cpp 5958 2000-07-26
sprite.cpp 21414 2000-08-09
MapEdit\StdAfx.cpp 209 2000-07-22
Ugame.cpp 8664 2000-07-26
win32\wavread.cpp 9678 1999-06-18
win32\winmain.cpp 8528 2000-07-26
MapEdit.exe 81920 2000-07-25
Mario.exe 73728 2000-08-09
graphics\bullet.bmp 2102 2000-07-23
graphics\coin.bmp 2614 2000-07-21
graphics\debris.bmp 2102 2000-07-23
graphics\explode.bmp 4150 2000-07-26
graphics\flower.bmp 2102 2000-07-23
graphics\ghost.bmp 7222 2000-07-22
MapEdit\res\ghost1.bmp 2102 2000-07-22
MapEdit\res\ghost2.bmp 2614 2000-07-22
MapEdit\res\ghost3.bmp 2614 2000-07-22
graphics\mushroom.bmp 2102 2000-07-23
graphics\player.bmp 50230 2000-07-24
graphics\tile.bmp 33846 2000-07-23
MapEdit\res\tile.bmp 33846 2000-07-23
MapEdit\res\Toolbar.bmp 2038 2000-07-23
graphics\turtle.bmp 19510 2000-07-25
linux\Makefile 741 2000-07-26
MapEdit\MapEdit.clw 4389 2000-07-24
level\level1.dat 24225 2000-07-25
level\level2.dat 22728 2000-07-25
MapEdit\MapEdit.dsp 5333 2000-07-26
win32\Mario.dsp 5353 2000-08-09
MapEdit\MapEdit.dsw 539 2006-04-06
win32\Mario.dsw 731 2000-07-26
MapEdit\res\MapEdit.ico 1078 2000-07-22
MapEdit\res\MapEditDoc.ico 1078 2000-07-22
win32\mario.ico 1078 2000-07-24
sound\back1.mid 10426 1999-10-06
sound\back2.mid 827 1999-10-06
MapEdit\MapEdit.ncb 58368 2006-04-06
MapEdit\MapEdit.opt 53760 2006-04-06
jFbright.pal 1048 2000-05-25
odarken.pal 1048 2000-07-23
MapEdit\MapEdit.plg 2453 2006-04-06
MapEdit\MapEdit.rc 14152 2000-07-24
win32\Mario.rc 1721 2000-07-24
MapEdit\res\MapEdit.rc2 399 2000-07-22
MapEdit.rar 25919 2006-04-06
graphics\Debug 0 2000-08-09
MapEdit\Debug 0 2000-07-22
win32\Debug 0 2000-07-26
graphics\Release 0 2000-08-09
MapEdit\Release 0 2000-07-25
win32\Release 0 2000-07-26
MapEdit\res 0 2017-10-25
graphics 0 2017-10-25
level 0 2017-10-25
linux 0 2017-10-25
MapEdit 0 2017-10-25
sound 0 2017-10-25
win32 0 2017-10-25
Related instructions
  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
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