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  • Category : Multimedia Develop
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  • Update : 2018-05-26
  • Size : 4.28mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :cyi***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Explain The 1. program is developed on the basis of WPF C#.Net Framework 4.5; 2. the main interface of the program is built with part DMSkin. 3. audio library uses DoubanFM.Bass.dll/Bass.Net.dll/bass.dll. 4. spectrum support library: WPFSoundVisualizationLib.dll; function 1. play local music (support common audio file playback, support the basic play control mode). 2. play online music 3. bulk download of lossless music (while supporting lyrics / song cover download) 4. song and list search / download
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
McMusicPlayer\Application.config 531 2018-05-25
McMusicPlayer\Bass.Net.dll 630784 2016-05-24
McMusicPlayer\Bass.Net.xml 4769340 2016-05-24
McMusicPlayer\download\atl71.dll 89600 2017-09-22
McMusicPlayer\download\dl_peer_id.dll 92080 2017-09-22
McMusicPlayer\download\download_engine.dll 3496312 2017-09-22
McMusicPlayer\download\id.dat 37 2017-09-22
McMusicPlayer\download\MiniThunderPlatform.exe 268744 2017-09-22
McMusicPlayer\download\minizip.dll 19968 2017-09-22
McMusicPlayer\download\msvcp71.dll 503808 2017-09-22
McMusicPlayer\download\msvcr71.dll 348160 2017-09-22
McMusicPlayer\download\XLBugHandler.dll 100808 2017-09-22
McMusicPlayer\download\XLBugReport.exe 248264 2017-09-22
McMusicPlayer\download\zlib1.dll 59904 2017-09-22
McMusicPlayer\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll 188416 2012-09-20
McMusicPlayer\Images\1.jpg 58073 2018-04-10
McMusicPlayer\Images\2.jpg 73506 2014-03-07
McMusicPlayer\Images\3.jpg 63070 2014-03-07
McMusicPlayer\Images\4.jpg 80213 2018-04-10
McMusicPlayer\Images\5.jpg 70138 2018-04-10
McMusicPlayer\Images\6.jpg 56102 2013-08-08
McMusicPlayer\Images\AlbumCover\背景.png 6136 2018-04-20
McMusicPlayer\McMusicPlayer.exe 1667584 2018-05-25
McMusicPlayer\McMusicPlayer.exe.config 903 2018-05-25
McMusicPlayer\Newtonsoft.Json.dll 664576 2018-02-18
McMusicPlayer\taglib-sharp.dll 443392 2016-05-24
McMusicPlayer\WPFSoundVisualizationLib.dll 210432 2016-05-24
McMusicPlayer\x64\bass.dll 217600 2015-11-04
McMusicPlayer\x64\plugins\bass_aac.dll 249344 2015-11-04
McMusicPlayer\x86\bass.dll 105016 2015-11-04
McMusicPlayer\x86\plugins\bass_aac.dll 149672 2015-11-04
McMusicPlayer\xldl.dll 289224 2017-09-22
McMusicPlayer\Images\AlbumCover\min 0 2018-05-25
McMusicPlayer\Images\AlbumCover 0 2018-05-25
McMusicPlayer\x64\plugins 0 2018-05-25
McMusicPlayer\x86\plugins 0 2018-05-25
McMusicPlayer\download 0 2018-05-25
McMusicPlayer\Images 0 2018-05-25
McMusicPlayer\x64 0 2018-05-25
McMusicPlayer\x86 0 2018-05-25
McMusicPlayer 0 2018-05-25
Related instructions
  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
  • Please use Winrar for decompression tools
  • If download fail, Try it againg or Feedback to us.
  • If downloaded content did not match the introduction, Feedback to us,Confirm and will be refund.
  • Before downloading, you can inquire through the uploaded person information


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