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  • Update : 2018-06-20
  • Size : 1.87mb
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  • Author :Der_ste********
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Based on ARM Cortex-M4F (TM4C123) MCU [function] increase key detection function, detects the key 1-4, press the button to display the new key code. First line display: display key code experiment The second line shows: the last button was: 1 The third line shows: the key is: 3 The fourth line shows: press time = XXX MS
Packet file list
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LCD12864_v4\driverlib\adc.c 75358 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\adc.h 17675 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\aes.c 45672 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\aes.h 10151 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\can.c 71575 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\can.h 14248 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\comp.c 16304 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\comp.h 7764 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\cpu.c 12364 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\cpu.h 3085 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\crc.c 10784 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\crc.h 4677 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\debug.h 3413 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\des.c 25502 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\des.h 6350 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\driverlib.ewp 22719 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\driverlib.uvopt 20884 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\driverlib.uvproj 20318 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\eeprom.c 40420 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\eeprom.h 11759 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\emac.c 198322 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\emac.h 48391 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\epi.c 84211 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\epi.h 28124 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\epi_workaround_ccs.s 6643 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\flash.c 30465 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\flash.h 5547 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\fpu.c 11621 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\fpu.h 4707 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\gpio.c 98283 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\gpio.h 10512 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\hibernate.c 86190 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\hibernate.h 12444 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\i2c.c 69714 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\i2c.h 18675 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\interrupt.c 34362 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\interrupt.h 4136 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\lcd.c 71140 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\lcd.h 22840 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\Makefile 4144 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\mpu.c 16154 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\mpu.h 6853 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\onewire.c 26773 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\onewire.h 10706 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\pin_map.h 685745 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\pwm.c 79582 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\pwm.h 17041 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\qei.c 25884 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\qei.h 7896 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\readme.txt 1817 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\rom.h 539464 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\rom_map.h 243267 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\rtos_bindings.h 5038 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\rvmdk\driverlib.lib 3763396 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\shamd5.c 34092 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\shamd5.h 5881 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\ssi.c 40030 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\ssi.h 7570 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\sw_crc.c 27903 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\sw_crc.h 3418 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\sysctl.c 143318 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\sysctl.h 39357 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\sysexc.c 11128 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\sysexc.h 3994 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\systick.c 9196 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\systick.h 3253 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\timer.c 67909 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\timer.h 16613 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\uart.c 66606 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\uart.h 12888 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\udma.c 48902 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\udma.h 37190 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\usb.c 204211 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\usb.h 36926 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\watchdog.c 20701 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\driverlib\watchdog.h 4221 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\asmdefs.h 7025 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_adc.h 74791 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_aes.h 27289 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_can.h 23138 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_ccm.h 6101 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_comp.h 11604 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_des.h 16247 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_eeprom.h 12580 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_emac.h 105824 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_epi.h 53976 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_fan.h 2320 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_flash.h 34503 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_gpio.h 11392 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_hibernate.h 25680 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_i2c.h 26250 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_ints.h 29813 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_lcd.h 32827 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_memmap.h 8607 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_nvic.h 75157 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_onewire.h 11977 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_pwm.h 107480 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_qei.h 8992 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_shamd5.h 26028 2016-09-13
LCD12864_v4\inc\hw_ssi.h 13116 2016-09-13
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