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STM32F1 realize PWM control motor, PID control, and read encoder.
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omniwheel\FL 源码\keilkill.bat 399 2011-05-09
omniwheel\FL 源码\MiniBalance_COER\core_cm3.c 17273 2010-06-07
omniwheel\FL 源码\MiniBalance_COER\core_cm3.h 85714 2011-02-09
omniwheel\FL 源码\MiniBalance_COER\startup_stm32f10x_md.s 12765 2011-03-10
omniwheel\FL 源码\MiniBalance_HARDWARE\ENCODER\encoder.c 5883 2018-04-29
omniwheel\FL 源码\MiniBalance_HARDWARE\ENCODER\encoder.h 501 2018-04-09
omniwheel\FL 源码\MiniBalance_HARDWARE\TIMER\timer.c 1232 2018-04-29
omniwheel\FL 源码\MiniBalance_HARDWARE\TIMER\timer.h 383 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\adc.crf 419168 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\adc.d 2899 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\adc.o 454292 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\control.crf 372570 2018-04-29
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\control.d 2259 2018-04-29
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\control.o 407636 2018-04-29
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\core_cm3.crf 3951 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\core_cm3.d 113 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\core_cm3.o 11448 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\datascope_dp.crf 767 2017-11-23
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\datascope_dp.d 78 2017-11-23
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\datascope_dp.o 9828 2017-11-23
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\datasope_dp.crf 766 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\datasope_dp.d 75 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\datasope_dp.o 9920 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\delay.crf 368624 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\delay.d 2144 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\delay.o 396436 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\encoder.crf 370116 2018-04-29
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\encoder.d 2262 2018-04-29
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\encoder.o 398116 2018-04-29
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\ExtDll.iex 19 2018-04-29
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\exti.crf 418848 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\exti.d 2959 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\exti.o 453032 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\filter.crf 1130 2016-04-06
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\filter.d 98 2016-04-06
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\filter.o 11768 2016-04-06
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\inv_mpu.crf 438393 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\inv_mpu.d 3065 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\inv_mpu.o 489344 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.crf 430409 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.d 4073 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.o 477628 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\ioi2c.crf 422767 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\ioi2c.d 2962 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\ioi2c.o 461092 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\key.crf 419328 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\key.d 2899 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\key.o 454700 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\led.crf 418833 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\led.d 2899 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\led.o 453124 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\main.crf 368508 2018-04-29
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\main.d 2070 2018-04-29
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\main.o 397412 2018-04-29
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\MiniBalance.axf 390768 2018-04-29
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\MiniBalance.build_log.htm 1471 2018-04-29
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\minibalance.crf 367643 2017-10-27
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\minibalance.d 2309 2017-10-27
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\MiniBalance.hex 52010 2018-04-29
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\MiniBalance.htm 101977 2018-04-29
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\MiniBalance.lnp 1123 2018-04-29
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\minibalance.o 395392 2017-10-27
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\MiniBalance.sct 479 2016-03-04
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\minibalance.__i 612 2017-10-27
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\MiniBalance_MiniBalance.dep 76753 2018-04-29
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\misc.crf 347256 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\misc.d 1622 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\misc.o 379964 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\motor.crf 369364 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\motor.d 2112 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\motor.o 397404 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\mpu6050.crf 421611 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\mpu6050.d 3121 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\mpu6050.o 464084 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\oled.crf 421418 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\oled.d 3015 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\oled.o 463536 2016-04-08
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\show.crf 368332 2017-11-23
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\show.d 2100 2017-11-23
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\show.o 397064 2017-11-23
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\startup_stm32f10x_md.d 75 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\startup_stm32f10x_md.o 6056 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\stm32f10x_adc.crf 354425 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\stm32f10x_adc.d 1919 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\stm32f10x_adc.o 393940 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\stm32f10x_bkp.crf 348196 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\stm32f10x_bkp.d 1919 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\stm32f10x_bkp.o 382380 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\stm32f10x_can.crf 356038 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\stm32f10x_can.d 1919 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\stm32f10x_can.o 391116 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\stm32f10x_cec.crf 348749 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\stm32f10x_cec.d 1919 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\stm32f10x_cec.o 382808 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\stm32f10x_crc.crf 346809 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\stm32f10x_crc.d 1919 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\stm32f10x_crc.o 379860 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\stm32f10x_dac.crf 348882 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\stm32f10x_dac.d 1919 2018-04-14
omniwheel\FL 源码\OBJ\stm32f10x_dac.o 382964 2018-04-14
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