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  • Category : Chess Poker games
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  • Update : 2018-07-09
  • Size : 278kb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :卧****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
My computer game program uses a variety of search algorithms. The following is the main class description of this program: 1.CEvelsituation class: valuation class, to a given chessboard valuation. 2. CMoveGenerator class: walkway generator, 3. Search engine: search engine base class. 4. CNegaMaxEngine: negative maximum search engine. 5.CAlphaBeta engine: search engine using Alpha-Beta pruning technology. 6. CFAlphaBetaEngine class: fail-softalpha-beta search engine 7.CHistoryHeuristic class: historical heuristic class.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
中国象棋\Chess.exe 204800 2005-09-18
中国象棋\chess.jpg 44329 2004-10-07
中国象棋\SourceCode\AlphaBetaEngine.cpp 2109 2002-07-27
中国象棋\SourceCode\AlphaBetaEngine.h 819 2000-07-18
中国象棋\SourceCode\Alphabeta_HH.cpp 2198 2004-08-23
中国象棋\SourceCode\Alphabeta_HH.h 826 2004-08-23
中国象棋\SourceCode\AlphaBeta_TTEngine.cpp 2746 2004-08-23
中国象棋\SourceCode\AlphaBeta_TTEngine.h 840 2004-08-23
中国象棋\SourceCode\AspirationSearch.cpp 1209 2002-07-27
中国象棋\SourceCode\AspirationSearch.h 704 2004-08-23
中国象棋\SourceCode\Chess.aps 152588 2005-09-18
中国象棋\SourceCode\Chess.cpp 2050 2005-09-18
中国象棋\SourceCode\Chess.dsp 7997 2005-09-18
中国象棋\SourceCode\Chess.dsw 535 2004-08-19
中国象棋\SourceCode\Chess.h 1334 2004-08-23
中国象棋\SourceCode\Chess.ncb 410624 2005-09-18
中国象棋\SourceCode\Chess.opt 66048 2005-09-18
中国象棋\SourceCode\Chess.plg 1475 2005-09-18
中国象棋\SourceCode\Chess.rc 10246 2005-09-18
中国象棋\SourceCode\ChessDlg.cpp 47268 2005-09-18
中国象棋\SourceCode\ChessDlg.h 5378 2005-09-18
中国象棋\SourceCode\CoolButton.cpp 6149 2003-04-24
中国象棋\SourceCode\CoolButton.h 1527 2003-04-24
中国象棋\SourceCode\Define.h 1534 2004-08-18
中国象棋\SourceCode\Eveluation.cpp 20076 2004-08-19
中国象棋\SourceCode\Eveluation.h 2554 2004-08-19
中国象棋\SourceCode\FAlphaBetaEngine.cpp 2181 2002-07-27
中国象棋\SourceCode\FAlphaBetaEngine.h 818 2000-07-21
中国象棋\SourceCode\GradientProgressCtrl.cpp 4539 2004-08-17
中国象棋\SourceCode\GradientProgressCtrl.h 2221 2004-08-17
中国象棋\SourceCode\HelpDlg.cpp 1674 2004-08-16
中国象棋\SourceCode\HelpDlg.h 1243 2004-08-20
中国象棋\SourceCode\HistoryHeuristic.cpp 2643 2004-08-17
中国象棋\SourceCode\HistoryHeuristic.h 1402 2004-08-17
中国象棋\SourceCode\IDAlphabetaEngine.cpp 2751 2004-08-23
中国象棋\SourceCode\IDAlphabetaEngine.h 793 2004-08-23
中国象棋\SourceCode\MemDC.cpp 1262 2004-08-17
中国象棋\SourceCode\MemDC.h 681 2002-04-09
中国象棋\SourceCode\MoveGenerator.cpp 18363 2002-07-29
中国象棋\SourceCode\MoveGenerator.h 2290 2004-07-24
中国象棋\SourceCode\MTD_fEngine.cpp 3237 2004-08-23
中国象棋\SourceCode\MTD_fEngine.h 979 2004-08-23
中国象棋\SourceCode\NegaMaxEngine.cpp 2208 2002-07-27
中国象棋\SourceCode\NegaMaxEngine.h 747 2000-07-18
中国象棋\SourceCode\NegaScout_TT_HH.cpp 2811 2002-07-27
中国象棋\SourceCode\NegaScout_TT_HH.h 917 2004-08-23
中国象棋\SourceCode\PVS_Engine.cpp 2452 2002-07-27
中国象棋\SourceCode\PVS_Engine.h 722 2004-08-23
中国象棋\SourceCode\ReadMe.txt 3561 2004-07-05
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\bitmap1-1.bmp 54486 2004-11-09
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\bitmap1.bmp 9190 2001-07-06
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\bmp00001.bmp 77574 2004-07-10
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\box1.ico 766 2001-12-03
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\BOX2.ico 766 2001-12-03
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\cancle.bmp 5160 2004-08-17
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\cantgo.cur 766 2001-12-03
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\Chess.ico 1078 2004-07-05
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\Chess.rc2 397 2004-07-05
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\cut.ico 766 2004-08-17
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\Devior.smf 31454 2004-09-19
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\hand.cur 766 2001-12-03
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\Help GID.ico 3638 2004-08-19
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\ico00001.ico 766 2004-08-17
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\icon1.ico 1886 2004-11-09
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\icon2.ico 766 2004-08-17
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\icon3.ico 766 2004-08-17
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\ok.bmp 5160 2004-08-17
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\XPTHEME.BIN 646 2005-09-18
中国象棋\SourceCode\res\新建图标(2).ico 3262 2004-08-17
中国象棋\SourceCode\resource.h 4254 2005-09-18
中国象棋\SourceCode\SearchEngine.cpp 2551 2002-07-27
中国象棋\SourceCode\SearchEngine.h 2176 2004-08-17
中国象棋\SourceCode\SetDlg.cpp 9431 2004-08-21
中国象棋\SourceCode\SetDlg.h 2736 2004-08-21
中国象棋\SourceCode\StdAfx.cpp 207 2004-07-15
中国象棋\SourceCode\StdAfx.h 1079 2004-09-19
中国象棋\SourceCode\TranspositionTable.cpp 4504 2004-08-21
中国象棋\SourceCode\TranspositionTable.h 1913 2004-08-23
中国象棋\SourceCode\XPButton.cpp 5662 2002-07-19
中国象棋\SourceCode\XPButton.h 2328 2004-08-10
中国象棋\SourceCode\棋盘倒.bmp 645338 2004-08-01
中国象棋\SourceCode\棋盘正.bmp 961326 2000-07-23
中国象棋\SourceCode\调试.txt 525 2004-07-06
中国象棋\残局\乌龙摆尾.cm 290 2000-07-19
中国象棋\残局\八阵图.cm 290 2000-07-20
中国象棋\源码说明.txt 1348 2004-08-23
中国象棋\SourceCode\res 0 2012-11-06
中国象棋\SourceCode 0 2012-11-06
中国象棋\残局 0 2012-11-06
中国象棋 0 2018-07-09
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