Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Keystone1 architecture DSP Software Development Kit, after the actual test applies to TI C6678 EVM board/C6670 EVM board/C6657 EVM board
Keystone1 Software Development Kit (STK) KeystoneII DSP Software Development Kit (STK)
IPC basic routines C66X instruction test SRIO routines Memory test routines 6670VCP2 test routine I2C routines SPI routines EMIF routine DualC6457 SRIO communication routines Keystone_Timer routines keystone_UART routine keystone_Navigator routine EMAC multicore boot example use the following command line build CCS compiler project achieve VLFFT routines C6678 Keystone_UART interrupt routine Hyperlink sample program IPC routines between the DSP and the A15 SPI Flash boot demo PA configuration send UDP packets EVM6657 EMAC-PC communication routines