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科大讯飞SDK iFly_TTS_DelphiXE7

Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
SDK development interface of HKUST's voice database
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
Delphi\AUCodec.dll 1064960 2005-05-19
Delphi\iFly.ico 766 2000-03-26
Delphi\iFlySAPI.dll 204800 2003-06-21
Delphi\iFlyTTS.dll 573440 2006-05-29
Delphi\iFly_TTS.dcu 11168 2015-08-27
Delphi\iFly_TTS.pas 32568 2015-08-27
Delphi\sample1.txt 134 2015-08-27
Delphi\sample2.txt 47 2015-08-27
Delphi\sem.log 12170 2015-08-27
Delphi\SynthParam.dcu 2271 2015-08-27
Delphi\SynthParam.pas 2113 2015-08-27
Delphi\test.txt 666 2015-08-27
Delphi\TTSDel_Sample.cfg 358 2000-03-26
Delphi\TTSDel_Sample.dof 1349 2000-03-26
Delphi\TTSDel_Sample.dpr 430 2000-03-26
Delphi\TTSDel_Sample.dproj 5865 2015-08-27
Delphi\TTSDel_Sample.dproj.local 62 2015-08-27
Delphi\TTSDel_Sample.dsk 3378 2000-03-26
Delphi\TTSDel_Sample.exe 2356736 2015-08-27
Delphi\TTSDel_Sample.identcache 725 2015-08-27
Delphi\TTSDel_Sample.res 2040 2015-08-26
Delphi\TTSDel_Sample_Icon.ico 766 2015-08-26
Delphi\TTSErrcode.dcu 3471 2015-08-26
Delphi\TTSErrcode.pas 8465 2000-03-26
Delphi\unitAbout.dcu 5265 2015-08-26
Delphi\unitAbout.dfm 10494 2000-03-26
Delphi\unitAbout.pas 575 2000-03-26
Delphi\unitMainForm.dcu 30741 2015-08-27
Delphi\unitMainForm.ddp 51 2011-05-30
Delphi\unitMainForm.dfm 9275 2015-08-27
Delphi\unitMainForm.pas 22080 2015-08-27
Delphi\unitMainForm.~dfm 8940 2000-03-26
Delphi\unitMainForm.~pas 21739 2002-10-15
Delphi\__history\iFly_TTS.pas.~1~ 32520 2003-01-13
Delphi\__history\iFly_TTS.pas.~2~ 32544 2015-08-27
Delphi\__history\SynthParam.pas.~1~ 2077 2000-03-26
Delphi\__history\unitMainForm.dfm.~1~ 9338 2011-05-30
Delphi\__history\unitMainForm.pas.~1~ 21739 2002-10-15
Delphi\__history\unitMainForm.pas.~2~ 21795 2015-08-27
Delphi\__history 0 2015-08-27
Delphi 0 2015-08-27
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