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Domination in graphs

  • Category : matlab
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  • Update : 2018-11-19
  • Size : 1.16mb
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  • Author :GMah****
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This code for Dimonation of graph
Packet file list
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matgraph\.DS_Store 6148 2008-03-04
matgraph\@graph\across.m 432 2006-10-09
matgraph\@graph\add.m 1309 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\alpha.m 435 2008-02-08
matgraph\@graph\bfstree.m 820 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\bipartition.m 1027 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\bipmatch.m 951 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\bridges.m 2155 2007-05-01
matgraph\@graph\bridges.m~ 1434 2007-03-12
matgraph\@graph\bucky.m 164 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\cartesian.m 1058 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\cayley.m 2590 2008-03-13
matgraph\@graph\cayley.m~ 3660 2008-03-13
matgraph\@graph\cdraw.m 2153 2006-11-08
matgraph\@graph\cdraw.m~ 1790 2006-11-08
matgraph\@graph\chromatic_poly.m 3117 2008-02-07
matgraph\@graph\chromatic_poly.m~ 2956 2008-02-06
matgraph\@graph\circulant.m 367 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\clear_edges.m 265 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\clear_labels.m 180 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\color.m 4287 2007-03-10
matgraph\@graph\color.m~ 3772 2007-03-10
matgraph\@graph\complement.m 350 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\complete.m 968 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\component.m 328 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\components.bak 326 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\components.m 628 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\contract.m 398 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\copy.m 502 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\copy_labels.m 242 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\cube.m 602 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\cycle.m 125 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\deg.m 288 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\delete.m 1373 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\dfstree.m 831 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\diam.m 160 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\disjoint_union.m 611 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\display.m 403 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\dist.m 1665 2007-01-09
matgraph\@graph\dist.m~ 1541 2007-01-09
matgraph\@graph\distxy.backup 856 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\distxy.m 1299 2008-02-08
matgraph\@graph\dodecahedron.m 810 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\dom.m 572 2008-02-08
matgraph\@graph\dot.m 1045 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\draw.m 845 2006-11-08
matgraph\@graph\draw.m~ 845 2006-11-08
matgraph\@graph\draw_labels.m 706 2006-11-09
matgraph\@graph\edge_color.m 995 2007-03-11
matgraph\@graph\edge_color.m~ 663 2007-03-11
matgraph\@graph\edges.m 170 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\embed.m 443 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\eq.m 300 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\euler_trail.m 1762 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\fast_set_matrix.m 272 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\find_path.m 635 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\free.m 228 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\full.m 171 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\get_label.m 448 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\getxy.m 180 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\graffle.m 3003 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\graph.backup 1717 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\graph.m 1491 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\grid.m 1038 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\hamiltonian_cycle.m 1820 2006-10-08
matgraph\@graph\has.m 393 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\has_path.m 507 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\hasxy.m 475 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\icosahedron.m 776 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\incidence_matrix.m 760 2007-03-12
matgraph\@graph\incidence_matrix.m~ 741 2007-03-12
matgraph\@graph\induce.m 960 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\intersect.m 490 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\interval_graph.m 580 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\is_labeled.m 288 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\isconnected.m 323 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\isfull.m 96 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\iso.m 9195 2008-03-14
matgraph\@graph\iso.m~ 10186 2008-03-07
matgraph\@graph\issparse.m 150 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\join.m 382 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\label.m 741 2006-11-06
matgraph\@graph\laplacian.m 256 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\ldraw.m 419 2006-11-08
matgraph\@graph\line_graph.m 766 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\load.m 614 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\make_logical.m 438 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\match_join.m 418 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\matrix.m 139 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\mdsxy.m 1055 2008-02-08
matgraph\@graph\mobius.m 804 2008-02-26
matgraph\@graph\mycielski.m 687 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\nauty.m 909 2008-03-04
matgraph\@graph\nauty.m~ 1013 2008-03-04
matgraph\@graph\ndraw.m 349 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\ne.m 349 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\neighbors.m 251 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\nsptrees.m 223 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\nv.m 121 2006-10-01
matgraph\@graph\octahedron.m 458 2006-10-01
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