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Location : Home Downloads SourceCode Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms matlab
  • Category : matlab
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  • Update : 2018-12-10
  • Size : 518kb
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  • Author :af***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Optical communication simulation
Packet file list
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Contents.m 4004 2011-12-09
addPointsToMode.m 7007 2011-12-09
authors.txt 396 2011-12-09
besselid.m 145 2011-12-09
besseljd.m 138 2011-12-09
besselkd.m 152 2011-12-09
besselyd.m 139 2011-12-09
buildModes.m 5578 2011-12-09
checkTask.m 1142 2011-12-09
colourVsLambda.m 1565 2011-12-09
correctModeOrder.m 799 2011-12-09
demo\bonnHG.m 2132 2011-12-09
demo\grubskySavchenko.m 2844 2011-12-09
demo\html\oftDemo.html 14415 2011-12-09
demo\html\oftDemo.png 3140 2011-12-09
demo\html\oftDemo_01.png 8129 2011-12-09
demo\html\oftDemo_02.png 18003 2011-12-09
demo\html\oftDemo_03.png 14289 2011-12-09
demo\html\oftDemo_04.png 8552 2011-12-09
demo\html\tutorial3ls.html 39542 2011-12-09
demo\html\tutorial3ls.png 2789 2011-12-09
demo\html\tutorial3ls_01.png 7508 2011-12-09
demo\html\tutorial3ls_02.png 5676 2011-12-09
demo\html\tutorial3ls_03.png 6667 2011-12-09
demo\html\tutorial3ls_04.png 7688 2011-12-09
demo\html\tutorial3ls_05.png 6148 2011-12-09
demo\html\tutorial3ls_06.png 8614 2011-12-09
demo\html\tutorial3ls_07.png 8981 2011-12-09
demo\html\tutorial3ls_08.png 9982 2011-12-09
demo\html\tutorial3ls_09.png 8262 2011-12-09
demo\html\tutorial3ls_10.png 7803 2011-12-09
demo\html\tutorial3ls_11.png 10450 2011-12-09
demo\html\tutorial3ls_12.png 8468 2011-12-09
demo\html\tutorial3ls_eq21609.png 3792 2011-12-09
demo\oftDemo.m 4304 2011-12-09
demo\test2LS_3LS.m 2035 2011-12-09
demo\tutorial3ls.m 15396 2011-12-09
demo\version2.0screenshot.png 316434 2011-12-09
demo\vParameterDemo.m 2350 2011-12-09
displayField2.m 4170 2011-12-09
eve2LS.m 3358 2011-12-09
eve3LS.m 16183 2011-12-09
fibreForPM.m 4160 2011-12-09
fibreMode.m 445 2011-12-09
fieldGrid.m 545 2011-12-09
fieldPower.m 1485 2011-12-09
findModes.m 7238 2011-12-09
findRoot.m 3207 2011-12-09
install.txt 448 2011-12-09
modeCheckValue.m 539 2011-12-09
modeDescription.m 2145 2011-12-09
modeField.m 8420 2011-12-09
modeVsV.m 1252 2011-12-09
neff.m 6513 2011-12-09
normalizePower.m 322 2011-12-09
overlapIntegral.m 5786 2011-12-09
partype.m 473 2011-12-09
phaseMatch.m 32634 2011-12-09
phaseMatchingPoints.m 4468 2011-12-09
pmCheckValue.m 1185 2011-12-09
pmSameModes.m 466 2011-12-09
pmpDescription.m 936 2011-12-09
readme.txt 2698 2011-12-09
refrIndex.m 16118 2011-12-09
setHarmonic.m 1676 2011-12-09
showModes.m 1461 2011-12-09
showPMPoints.m 463 2011-12-09
styleVsModetype.m 565 2011-12-09
traceMode.m 15152 2011-12-09
vParameter.m 364 2011-12-09
license.txt 1361 2014-02-12
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