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  • Category : File Operate
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  • Update : 2018-12-26
  • Size : 173kb
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  • Author :Wzh****
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STM32F407 routine MP3 helix decoding MP3 helix decoding
Packet file list
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Third_Party\fat_fs\readme.txt 5239 2017-11-06
proj\JLinkLog.txt 191764 2017-11-06
proj\JLinkSettings.ini 574 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\inc\assembly.h 7078 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\inc\coder.h 11423 2017-11-06
cboard\inc\CS4334.h 467 2017-11-06
cboard\inc\delay.h 157 2017-11-06
Third_Party\fat_fs\inc\diskio.h 2454 2017-11-06
Third_Party\fat_fs\inc\ff.h 29232 2017-11-06
Third_Party\fat_fs\inc\ffconf.h 7368 2017-11-06
cboard\inc\fonts.h 42249 2017-11-06
Third_Party\fat_fs\inc\integer.h 856 2017-11-06
cboard\inc\key.h 609 2017-11-06
cboard\inc\lcd.h 1697 2017-11-06
cboard\inc\led.h 410 2017-11-06
6inc\main.h 365 2017-11-06
cboard\inc\mma7455.h 428 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\inc\mp3.h 52700 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\inc\mp3common.h 4371 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\inc\mp3dec.h 4509 2017-11-06
6inc\mp3player.h 168 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\inc\mpadecobjfixpt.h 4724 2017-11-06
cboard\inc\sdio_sd.h 19587 2017-11-06
cboard\inc\spi.h 156 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\inc\statname.h 3574 2017-11-06
6inc\stm32f4xx_conf.h 1212 2017-11-06
6inc\stm32f4xx_it.h 443 2017-11-06
cboard\inc\timer.h 194 2017-11-06
cboard\inc\touch.h 403 2017-11-06
cboard\inc\usart.h 113 2017-11-06
6inc\wavplayer.h 1552 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr\bitstream.c 14852 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr\buffers.c 8105 2017-11-06
Third_Party\fat_fs\src\option\ccsbcs.c 30179 2017-11-06
cboard\src\CS4334.c 5724 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr\dct32.c 10398 2017-11-06
cboard\src\delay.c 392 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr\dequant.c 6622 2017-11-06
Third_Party\fat_fs\src\diskio.c 6979 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr\dqchan.c 12001 2017-11-06
Third_Party\fat_fs\src\ff.c 116333 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr\huffman.c 16536 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr\hufftabs.c 42361 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr\imdct.c 27665 2017-11-06
cboard\src\key.c 1813 2017-11-06
cboard\src\lcd.c 13339 2017-11-06
cboard\src\led.c 1082 2017-11-06
src\main.c 173 2017-11-06
cboard\src\mma7455.c 1390 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr\mp3_play.c 2389 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr\mp3dec.c 16705 2017-11-06
src\mp3player.c 2460 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr\mp3tabs.c 6890 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr\polyphase.c 9169 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr\scalfact.c 13673 2017-11-06
cboard\src\sdio_sd.c 96513 2017-11-06
cboard\src\spi.c 2680 2017-11-06
src\stm32f4xx_it.c 910 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr\stproc.c 10485 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr\subband.c 4255 2017-11-06
Third_Party\fat_fs\src\option\syncobj.c 3709 2017-11-06
src\system_stm32f4xx.c 22112 2017-11-06
cboard\src\timer.c 2797 2017-11-06
cboard\src\touch.c 1061 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr\trigtabs.c 14706 2017-11-06
cboard\src\usart.c 1589 2017-11-06
src\wavplayer.c 3499 2017-11-06
proj\test.uvgui.Administrator 381156 2017-11-06
proj\test.plg 177 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr\arm\asmmisc.S 1941 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr\arm\asmpoly_thumb2.S 8256 2017-11-06
proj\startup_stm32f4xx.s 29506 2017-11-06
proj\test.uvopt 29108 2017-11-06
proj\test.uvproj 23813 2017-11-06
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr\arm 0 2018-11-09
Third_Party\fat_fs\src\option 0 2018-11-09
Third_Party\fat_fs\inc 0 2018-11-09
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\inc 0 2018-11-09
Third_Party\Mp3Lib\scr 0 2018-11-09
Third_Party\fat_fs\src 0 2018-11-09
Third_Party\fat_fs 0 2018-11-09
cboard\inc 0 2018-11-09
Third_Party\Mp3Lib 0 2018-11-09
proj\output 0 2017-11-06
cboard\src 0 2018-11-09
6inc 0 2018-11-09
cboard 0 2018-11-09
proj 0 2018-11-09
src 0 2018-11-09
Third_Party 0 2018-11-09
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