Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
software testing : a compiler test software to support the following C language Operators :-* /% ^ (involution) negative (int) (double), "string" [] (arrays) gt; Lt; == Gt; = Lt; =! =!---=*= = =/=% = ^ =, to support the following keywords : void int double string if else for while do goto break continue return, to support the following types of data : int double string double int [] [ ] string [], support the following functions : int max (int, int), double max (double, double), newint int [] (int), double newdouble [] (int), newstring string [] (int), void delete (int []), void delete (double []), void delete (string []), support arbitrary user-defined functions, support function overloading. Not to support global variables. If mistakes are found, please tell me
Packet : filelist