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  • Category : GIS program
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  • Update : 2019-03-12
  • Size : 9.52mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :Mic****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Developed by Visual Studio 2010 based on ArcEngine 10.1, using C # development language and running environment based on .Net Framework 4.0. Support layer movement, rendering function, support common GIS operations, such as zooming, zooming, roaming, etc. It can view the attribute table of the vector layer and select the condition, which can be highlighted on the map. It can display the attribute information of the elements that the mouse currently refers to, and the name and type of the building can be displayed by sliding the mouse across the teaching building (through configuration, this software only configures the building layer). The shortest path analysis can be carried out, and the possible navigation paths can be generated according to the manually selected starting and ending positions, showing the optimal three path information (according to the shortest time, the shortest distance and the most objects (buildings).
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
app.config 161 2016-11-03
App.ico 1078 2008-11-17
AssemblyInfo.cs 1348 2016-11-01
Bin 0 2016-11-04
Bin\Release 0 2016-11-04
Bin\Release\ShortestPath.exe 118784 2016-11-04
Bin\Release\ShortestPath.exe.config 161 2016-11-03
Bin\Release\ShortestPath.pdb 148992 2016-11-04
Bin\Release\ShortestPath.vshost.exe 24224 2016-11-05
Bin\Release\ShortestPath.vshost.exe.config 161 2016-11-03
Bin\Release\ShortestPath.vshost.exe.manifest 490 2016-07-16
cmdClearAnalysisLayer.cs 2544 2016-11-03
cmdLoadLocations.cs 3139 2016-11-04
cmdNALayerProperties.cs 1586 2016-11-03
cmdNAProperties.cs 907 2016-11-03
cmdRemoveLayer.cs 1449 2016-11-03
cmdSolve.cs 2809 2016-11-04
CommonFunctions.cs 1663 2016-11-04
frmAttribute.cs 6083 2016-11-03
frmAttribute.Designer.cs 5172 2016-11-03
frmAttribute.resx 6025 2016-11-03
frmLoadLocations.cs 13380 2016-11-04
frmLoadLocations.resx 5814 2016-11-03
frmMain.cs 38525 2016-11-04
frmMain.resx 13427 2016-11-04
frmNALayerProperties.cs 162715 2016-11-04
frmNALayerProperties.resx 6946 2016-11-04
frmNAProperties.cs 9240 2016-11-04
frmNAProperties.resx 5814 2016-11-04
obj 0 2016-11-04
obj\x86 0 2016-11-04
obj\x86\Debug 0 2016-11-04
obj\x86\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache 126308 2016-11-03
obj\x86\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 8240 2016-11-04
obj\x86\Debug\NAEngine.exe 102400 2016-11-03
obj\x86\Debug\NAEngine.pdb 101888 2016-11-03
obj\x86\Debug\NAEngine2010.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 1391 2016-11-03
obj\x86\Debug\NAEngine2010.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 1116 2016-11-03
obj\x86\Debug\NAEngine2010.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache 139264 2016-11-03
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 2769 2016-11-05
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 1181 2016-11-04
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache 243742 2016-11-04
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.exe 118784 2016-11-04
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.frmAttribute.resources 180 2016-11-04
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.frmLoadLocations.resources 180 2016-11-04
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.frmMain.resources 4837 2016-11-04
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.frmNALayerProperties.resources 180 2016-11-04
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.frmNAProperties.resources 180 2016-11-04
obj\x86\Debug\ShortestPath.pdb 148992 2016-11-04
obj\x86\Debug\TempPE 0 2016-11-03
Program.cs 856 2016-11-03
RouteClass.cs 18353 2016-11-04
ShortestPath.csproj 14360 2016-11-04
ShortestPath.csproj.user 546 2016-11-03
ShortestPath.sln 860 2016-11-03
ShortestPath.v12.suo 79360 2016-11-05
校园导航-说明文档.docx 9719431 2019-03-12
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