Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
void InitGoertzel (void) function: initialization algorithm parameters Usage: The algorithm performs a pre-test, if the need to change the parameters, calling SetParameter () float CGoertzel:: GetMagnitude (unsigned char* sampleData, int length)// Algorithm for the main interface role: to collect audio data from the treatment algorithm to return a result parameter: sampleData-audio data buffer address pointer length-buffer size (the number of audio data), number of bytes return value: the return of algorithm results. void SetParameter (DWORD set_SampleRate, DWORD set_TargetFreq, DWORD set_BlockSize) Role: Set the algorithm parameters parameters: set_SampleRate-audio data sampling rate set_TargetFreq-target signal frequency set_BlockSize-algorithm data block size (sampling points) Usage: Call this function after the need to call a InitGoertzel (void) will come into force
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