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Location : Home Downloads SourceCode Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms matlab
  • Category : matlab
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  • Update : 2019-05-13
  • Size : 310kb
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  • Author :quan*****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
It is a free, open source MATLAB toolbox for symbolic data mining (SDM). It uses a biologically inspired machine learning method called multigene genetic programming (MGGP) as the 'engine' that drives the automatic model discovery process. GPTIPS is an acronym for Genetic Programming Toolbox for the Identification of Physical Systems. GPTIPS is a generic genetic programming toolbox for MATLAB - but the main intention of GPTIPS is to perform symbolic data mining. That is, to allow you to automatically discover empirical symbolic non-linear models from data.
Packet file list
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gptips2\.DS_Store 15364 2015-05-22
gptips2\1554791426813024.xlsx 36994 2019-04-16
gptips2\1556005786142355.xlsx 21470 2019-04-24
gptips2\add3.m 245 2015-05-21
gptips2\bootsample.m 412 2015-05-21
gptips2\comparemodelsREC.m 6818 2015-05-21
gptips2\concrete.mat 12651 2012-03-22
gptips2\Contents.m 9847 2015-05-22
gptips2\crossover.m 756 2015-05-21
gptips2\cube.m 246 2015-05-21
gptips2\cubic_config.m 1307 2015-05-21
gptips2\data.mat 2564 2019-04-24
gptips2\datamau.xlsx 11860 2019-04-20
gptips2\datanew.mat 2570 2019-04-24
gptips2\datanew.xlsx 18236 2019-04-24
gptips2\demo2data.mat 20044 2012-03-22
gptips2\displaystats.m 1987 2015-05-21
gptips2\drawtrees.m 11796 2015-05-22
gptips2\evalfitness.m 1648 2015-05-21
gptips2\evalfitness_par.m 2283 2015-05-21
gptips2\extract.m 2456 2015-05-21
gptips2\gauss.m 212 2015-05-21
gptips2\genebrowser.m 11722 2015-05-21
gptips2\genefilter.m 3553 2015-05-21
gptips2\genes2gpmodel.m 2150 2015-05-21
gptips2\getcomplexity.m 2071 2015-05-21
gptips2\getdepth.m 1001 2015-05-21
gptips2\getnumnodes.m 1208 2015-05-21
gptips2\gp_2d_mesh.m 566 2015-05-21
gptips2\gp_userfcn.m 641 2015-05-21
gptips2\gpand.m 302 2015-05-21
gptips2\gpcheck.m 8238 2015-05-21
gptips2\gpdefaults.m 6013 2015-05-22
gptips2\gpdemo1.m 3270 2015-05-21
gptips2\gpdemo1_config.m 1529 2015-05-21
gptips2\gpdemo2.m 3890 2019-02-20
gptips2\gpdemo2_config.m 1940 2015-05-21
gptips2\gpdemo3.m 5001 2019-04-20
gptips2\gpdemo3_config.m 2091 2019-04-20
gptips2\gpdemo4.m 5193 2019-04-17
gptips2\gpdemo4_config.m 3778 2019-04-20
gptips2\gpfinalise.m 8352 2015-05-21
gptips2\gpinit.m 9051 2015-05-21
gptips2\gpinitparallel.m 5806 2015-05-21
gptips2\gpl.txt 35147 2013-03-21
gptips2\gpmodel2func.m 2044 2015-05-21
gptips2\gpmodel2mfile.m 3595 2015-05-21
gptips2\gpmodel2struct.m 18274 2019-03-31
gptips2\gpmodel2sym.m 3776 2019-03-31
gptips2\gpmodelfilter.m 14560 2015-05-21
gptips2\gpmodelgenes2mfile.m 4202 2015-05-21
gptips2\gpmodelreport.m 41985 2015-05-21
gptips2\gpmodelvars.m 3922 2015-05-21
gptips2\gpnot.m 287 2015-05-21
gptips2\gpor.m 308 2015-05-21
gptips2\gppopvars.m 4593 2015-05-21
gptips2\gppretty.m 19018 2019-03-31
gptips2\gprandom.m 573 2015-05-21
gptips2\gpreformat.m 12966 2015-05-21
gptips2\gpsimplify.m 2329 2015-05-21
gptips2\gpterminate.m 1221 2015-05-21
gptips2\gptic.m 255 2015-05-21
gptips2\gptoc.m 301 2015-05-21
gptips2\gptoolboxcheck.m 743 2015-05-21
gptips2\gptreestructure.m 3257 2015-05-22
gptips2\gth.m 313 2015-05-21
gptips2\HTMLequation.m 4471 2015-05-21
gptips2\iflte.m 579 2015-05-21
gptips2\initbuild.m 3345 2015-05-22
gptips2\kogene.m 743 2015-05-21
gptips2\lth.m 310 2015-05-21
gptips2\maxx.m 226 2015-05-21
gptips2\mergegp.m 6379 2015-05-22
gptips2\minx.m 226 2015-05-21
gptips2\modelreport0.923.htm 95379 2019-04-20
gptips2\mult3.m 238 2015-05-21
gptips2\mutate.m 5956 2015-05-22
gptips2\myconfig.m 490 2019-05-07
gptips2\ndfsort_rank1.m 1629 2015-05-22
gptips2\neg.m 352 2015-05-21
gptips2\negexp.m 209 2015-05-21
gptips2\pareto.htm 1204 2019-04-24
gptips2\pareto_0.92.htm 69311 2019-04-20
gptips2\paretoreport.m 7656 2015-05-22
gptips2\pdiv.m 467 2015-05-22
gptips2\ph2data.mat 40050 2012-03-22
gptips2\picknode.m 4033 2015-05-22
gptips2\plog.m 280 2015-05-22
gptips2\popbrowser.m 13018 2015-05-21
gptips2\popbuild.m 11370 2015-05-22
gptips2\pref2inf.m 5548 2015-05-21
gptips2\processOrgChartJS.m 1910 2015-05-21
gptips2\psqroot.m 294 2015-05-21
gptips2\quartic_fitfun.m 1259 2015-05-21
gptips2\regressionErrorCharacteristic.m 2311 2015-05-21
gptips2\regressmulti_fitfun.m 14791 2015-05-22
gptips2\regressmulti_fitfun_validate.m 3693 2015-05-22
gptips2\ripple_config.m 2133 2015-05-22
gptips2\rungp.m 4989 2015-05-22
gptips2\runtree.m 5640 2015-05-21
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