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Game programming based on DirectX, suitable for beginners, for reference only
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DX11龙书中译 0 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\1.1向量.docx 67705 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\1.2长度和单位向量.docx 39971 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\1.3点积.docx 81796 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\1.4叉积.docx 55635 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\1.5点.docx 32085 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\10.1深度模板格式及清空操作.docx 42256 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\10.2模板测试.docx 15139 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\10.3深度模板状态块.docx 19766 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\10.4平面镜像的实现.docx 61051 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\11.1几何着色器编程.docx 31986 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\11.2树广告牌演示程序.docx 114931 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\11.3纹理数组.docx 93046 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\16.1屏幕到投影窗口的变换.docx 103632 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\16.2世界本地空间中的拾取射线.docx 16532 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\17.1立方体贴图映射.docx 23648 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\17.2环境贴图.docx 133913 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\17.3对天空进行纹理映射.docx 26120 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\17.4模拟反射.docx 32703 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\18.1为什么要使用法线贴图映射.docx 101938 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\18.2法线贴图.docx 35866 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\18.3纹理正切空间.docx 83564 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\18.4顶点正切空间.docx 15914 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\18.5在切线空间和物体空间之间变换.docx 21583 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\18.6着色器代码.docx 26452 2017-03-03
DX11龙书中译\2.1定义.docx 39342 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\2.2矩阵乘法.docx 31687 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\2.3转置矩阵.docx 19609 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\2.4单位矩阵.docx 27549 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\2.5矩阵行列式.docx 43616 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\2.6伴随矩阵.docx 21288 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\2.7逆矩阵.docx 33578 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\2.9小结.docx 17194 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\3.1线性变换.docx 138920 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\3.2仿射变换.docx 82015 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\3.3组合变换.docx 42204 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\3.4坐标转换变换.docx 114217 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\3.5转换矩阵与坐标转换矩阵的对比.docx 32276 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\3.6XNA数学库中的转换函数.docx 14793 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\3.7小结.docx 22705 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\4.1准备工作.docx 145460 2019-05-06
DX11龙书中译\4.2对Direct3D进行初始化.docx 78695 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\4.3计时和动画.docx 33584 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\4.4演示程序框架.docx 31036 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\4.5调试Direct3D应用程序.docx 34728 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\4.6小结.docx 17476 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\5.10光栅化阶段.docx 71126 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\5.11像素着色器阶段.docx 13724 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\5.12输出合并阶段.docx 13814 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\5.13小结.docx 16666 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\5.1三维视觉.docx 121783 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\5.2模型的表现形式.docx 43274 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\5.3基本计算机颜色.docx 59524 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\5.4渲染管线概述.docx 50891 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\5.5输入装配阶段.docx 67981 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\5.6顶点着色器阶段.docx 243759 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\5.7曲面细分阶段.docx 527557 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\5.8几何着色器阶段.docx 15034 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\5.9裁剪阶段.docx 43418 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\6.10山峰与河谷演示程序.docx 135180 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\6.12从文件加载几何体.docx 73256 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\6.13动态顶点缓冲.docx 92733 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\6.1顶点和顶点布局.docx 50514 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\6.2顶点缓冲.docx 28553 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\6.3索引和索引缓冲.docx 43226 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\6.4顶点着色器示例.docx 45379 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\6.5常量缓冲.docx 16299 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\6.6像素着色器示例.docx 50017 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\6.7渲染状态.docx 19699 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\6.8Effects.docx 53603 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\6.9颜色立方体演示程序.docx 39953 2017-01-22
DX11龙书中译\7.10点光.docx 30994 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\7.11聚光灯.docx 33855 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\7.12 实现.docx 22544 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\7.13光照演示程序.docx 56861 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\7.1光照与材质的相互作用.docx 56471 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\7.2法线向量.docx 74042 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\7.3兰伯特余弦定理.docx 44990 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\7.4漫反射光.docx 21011 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\7.5环境光.docx 13093 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\7.6镜面光.docx 77020 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\7.7重点摘要.docx 23051 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\7.8指定材质.docx 45187 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\7.9平行光.docx 35411 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\8.10地形纹理演示程序.docx 55971 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\8.11压缩纹理格式.docx 91791 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\8.12小结.docx 15377 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\8.1纹理和资源概述.docx 46154 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\8.2纹理坐标.docx 203941 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\8.3创建和启用纹理.docx 18095 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\8.4过滤器.docx 134139 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\8.5纹理采样.docx 16835 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\8.6把纹理作为材质.docx 14208 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\8.8寻址模式.docx 119503 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\8.9对纹理进行变换.docx 14534 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\9.1混合方程.docx 40953 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\9.2混合操作.docx 14581 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\9.3混合系数.docx 20005 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\9.4混合状态.docx 19694 2017-02-06
DX11龙书中译\9.5例子.docx 84739 2017-02-06
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