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  • Category : Video Capture
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  • Update : 2019-08-13
  • Size : 1.31mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :are****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Introduction: 1. Cloud parsing: third-party resource stations can be automatically invoked to play. 2. API parsing: You can set up and call Apple cms/Ocean CMS database resources 3. Online Search: Users can directly search online for resources to play. 4. Advertising Shielding: Built-in advertising shielding code, with detailed instructions, easy to shield a parsed advertisement. 5. Authorized anti-theft function: can set up domain name, IP authorization, do their own business analysis 6. Live broadcasting online: aggregate the whole network of high-quality live broadcasting online, rapid broadcasting, high-definition picture quality! You can add unlimited! 7. Embezzlement jump: When someone steals your analysis, automatically jump the website you set up 8. Caching function: the video parsed before can be played quickly without delay! (Closable) 9. The second analytic circuit is infinitely added! Background / Admin account: admin password: admin 888
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