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  • Category : OpenGL program
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  • Update : 2019-11-17
  • Size : 2.58mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :民国qi****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
OpenGL uses triangle patch to draw sphere and texture map to achieve rotatable earth effect
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
实验七 0 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug 0 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\cl.command.1.tlog 6802 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\ 57070 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\CL.write.1.tlog 3572 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\Earth.exe 511488 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\Earth.exe.embed.manifest 406 2019-11-07
实验七\Debug\Earth.exe.embed.manifest.res 472 2019-11-07
实验七\Debug\Earth.exe.intermediate.manifest 381 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\Earth.ilk 1198512 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\Earth.lastbuildstate 61 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\Earth.log 2395 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\Earth.pdb 2444288 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\Earth.vcxprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache 713 2019-11-07
实验七\Debug\Earth.write.1.tlog 0 2019-11-07
实验七\Debug\Earth_manifest.rc 206 2019-11-07
实验七\Debug\ggltools.obj 10133 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\glight.obj 49779 2019-11-07
实验七\Debug\gmaterial.obj 35378 2019-11-07
实验七\Debug\gmath.obj 11325 2019-11-07
实验七\Debug\gmatrix3d.obj 25239 2019-11-07
实验七\Debug\gpoint3d.obj 7083 2019-11-07
实验七\Debug\gquaternion3d.obj 20024 2019-11-07
实验七\Debug\gtexture2d.obj 34345 2019-11-07
实验七\Debug\gvector3d.obj 17890 2019-11-07
实验七\Debug\ 2 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\link-cvtres.write.1.tlog 2 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\ 2 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\link.10312-cvtres.write.1.tlog 2 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\ 2 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\link.10312.write.1.tlog 2 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\ 2 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\link.15888-cvtres.write.1.tlog 2 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\ 2 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\link.15888.write.1.tlog 2 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\ 2 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\link.17940-cvtres.write.1.tlog 2 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\ 2 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\link.17940.write.1.tlog 2 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\link.command.1.tlog 2460 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\ 4512 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\link.write.1.tlog 1238 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\main.obj 46712 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\mt.command.1.tlog 338 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\ 226 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\mt.write.1.tlog 226 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\rc.command.1.tlog 436 2019-11-07
实验七\Debug\ 198 2019-11-07
实验七\Debug\rc.write.1.tlog 206 2019-11-07
实验七\Debug\vc100.idb 535552 2019-11-17
实验七\Debug\vc100.pdb 126976 2019-11-17
实验七\Earth.dsp 5253 2015-08-30
实验七\Earth.dsw 539 2012-11-07
实验七\Earth.opensdf 42 2019-11-17
实验七\Earth.opt 173568 2015-11-05
实验七\Earth.plg 2066 2015-11-05
实验七\Earth.sln 876 2019-11-07
实验七\Earth.suo 14336 2019-11-17
实验七\Earth.vcxproj 7574 2015-08-30
实验七\Earth.vcxproj.filters 2741 2015-08-30
实验七\Earth.vcxproj.user 143 2015-08-30
实验七\earthmap.jpg 380854 2010-03-03
实验七\FreeImage 0 2019-11-17
实验七\FreeImage.dll 2713088 2012-02-18
实验七\FreeImage\FreeImage.h 53256 2015-08-29
实验七\FreeImage\FreeImage.lib 64230 2012-02-18
实验七\ipch 0 2019-11-17
实验七\ipch\earth-53149d3c 0 2019-11-04
实验七\main.cpp 3988 2019-11-17
实验七\tools 0 2019-11-17
实验七\tools\Debug 0 2010-08-29
实验七\tools\ggltools.cpp 1885 2019-11-17
实验七\tools\ggltools.h 442 2012-11-04
实验七\tools\glight.cpp 5828 2010-08-29
实验七\tools\glight.h 2258 2010-08-29
实验七\tools\gmaterial.cpp 4128 2015-08-29
实验七\tools\gmaterial.h 1728 2010-08-29
实验七\tools\gmath.cpp 2757 2005-12-26
实验七\tools\gmath.h 586 2005-12-26
实验七\tools\gmatrix3d.cpp 4436 2010-10-24
实验七\tools\gmatrix3d.h 1509 2007-05-17
实验七\tools\gpoint3d.cpp 1266 2005-12-26
实验七\tools\gpoint3d.h 941 2007-05-17
实验七\tools\gquaternion3d.cpp 4440 2012-10-29
实验七\tools\gquaternion3d.h 1539 2012-10-29
实验七\tools\gtexture2d.cpp 3215 2014-06-21
实验七\tools\gtexture2d.h 987 2014-06-21
实验七\tools\gvector3d.cpp 3319 2005-12-26
实验七\tools\gvector3d.h 1586 2005-12-26
实验七\tools\Release 0 2010-08-29
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