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  • Category : Graph program
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  • Update : 2020-06-22
  • Size : 1.72mb
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  • Author :顾****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
[actually tested] DirectShow is a member of DirectX. DSPack is a set of (free) controls developed by Delphi for DirectShow. It can enumerate video input devices, video support formats, video preview and video recording.
Packet file list
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lib\amstrmid.lib 44032 2003-01-27
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lib\README.TXT 938 2002-12-31
lib\strmiids.lib 44032 2003-01-27
lib\WMVCORE.lib 2560 2002-12-30
lib 0 2003-06-01
packages\clean.bat 26 2003-01-01
packages\DirectX9_BCB6.bpk 5816 2003-04-27
packages\DirectX9_BCB6.cpp 528 2002-12-29
packages\DirectX9_BCB6.res 1536 2003-01-18
packages\DirectX9_D5.cfg 410 2003-01-27
packages\DirectX9_D5.dof 1401 2003-01-27
packages\DirectX9_D5.dpk 920 2003-01-27
packages\DirectX9_D5.res 1536 2003-01-27
packages\DirectX9_D6.cfg 410 2003-01-27
packages\DirectX9_D6.dof 1361 2003-01-27
packages\DirectX9_D6.dpk 962 2003-01-27
packages\DirectX9_D6.res 1536 2003-01-27
packages\DirectX9_D7.cfg 458 2003-01-27
packages\DirectX9_D7.dof 2446 2003-01-27
packages\DirectX9_D7.dpk 962 2003-01-27
packages\DirectX9_D7.res 1536 2003-01-27
packages\DSPack.dcr 19312 2002-05-19
packages\DSPackDesign_BCB6.bpk 5342 2003-04-26
packages\DSPackDesign_BCB6.cpp 743 2003-01-01
packages\DSPackDesign_BCB6.res 1536 2003-01-09
packages\DSPackDesign_D5.cfg 390 2003-01-09
packages\DSPackDesign_D5.dof 1201 2003-01-09
packages\DSPackDesign_D5.dpk 819 2003-01-09
packages\DSPackDesign_D5.res 1536 2003-01-09
packages\DSPackDesign_D6.cfg 390 2003-01-24
packages\DSPackDesign_D6.dof 1296 2003-01-24
packages\DSPackDesign_D6.dpk 823 2003-01-24
packages\DSPackDesign_D6.res 1536 2003-01-09
packages\DSPackDesign_D7.cfg 438 2003-01-11
packages\DSPackDesign_D7.dof 2255 2003-01-11
packages\DSPackDesign_D7.dpk 839 2003-01-11
packages\DSPackDesign_D7.res 1536 2003-01-11
packages\DSPack_BCB6.bpk 4874 2003-06-01
packages\DSPack_BCB6.cpp 528 2003-01-01
packages\DSPack_BCB6.res 1536 2003-01-09
packages\DSPack_D5.cfg 395 2003-01-09
packages\DSPack_D5.dof 1201 2003-01-09
packages\DSPack_D5.dpk 745 2003-01-09
packages\DSPack_D5.drc 467 2003-06-01
packages\DSPack_D5.res 1536 2003-01-09
packages\DSPack_D6.cfg 395 2003-01-09
packages\DSPack_D6.dof 1258 2003-01-09
packages\DSPack_D6.dpk 764 2003-01-09
packages\DSPack_D6.drc 467 2003-01-24
packages\DSPack_D6.res 1536 2003-01-09
packages\DSPack_D7.cfg 395 2003-01-09
packages\DSPack_D7.dof 2225 2003-01-09
packages\DSPack_D7.dpk 764 2003-01-09
packages\DSPack_D7.drc 345 2003-06-01
packages\DSPack_D7.res 1536 2003-01-09
packages 0 2003-06-01
redist\Clootie DX90 dlls.url 112 2003-01-04
redist\DirectX 9.url 115 2002-12-21
redist\Windows Media Format 9.url 99 2002-12-21
redist 0 2003-01-04
src\DirectX9 0 2003-06-01
src\DirectX9\D3DX8.pas 179205 2003-04-27
src\DirectX9\D3DX9.hpp 12233 2003-06-01
src\DirectX9\D3DX9.pas 304273 2003-04-27
src\DirectX9\Direct3D.pas 218671 2003-01-26
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src\DirectX9\Direct3D9.hpp 10086 2003-06-01
src\DirectX9\Direct3D9.pas 212575 2003-01-26
src\DirectX9\DirectDraw.hpp 5820 2003-06-01
src\DirectX9\DirectDraw.pas 268061 2003-01-26
src\DirectX9\DirectInput.pas 326485 2003-01-26
src\DirectX9\DirectMusic.hpp 32411 2003-06-01
src\DirectX9\DirectMusic.pas 348199 2003-04-27
src\DirectX9\DirectPlay8.pas 146704 2003-04-27
src\DirectX9\DirectShow9.hpp 84465 2003-06-01
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