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  • Update : 2020-06-22
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  • Author :Ti***
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Based on STM32F103 series regulated power supply. The infrared remote control input set voltage, (SPI) tlc5615da output as the reference voltage, ad uses ads1115, (IIC) OLED to display the voltage and current. Over current protection. Output 0-12v. Accessories include schematic diagram + program + infrared remote control button description
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原理图.pdf 252955 2020-03-25
红外遥控说明.docx 72786 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序 0 2019-12-12
串联型稳压电源程序\CORE 0 2019-12-12
串联型稳压电源程序\CORE\core_cm3.c 17273 2010-06-07
串联型稳压电源程序\CORE\core_cm3.h 85714 2011-02-09
串联型稳压电源程序\CORE\startup_stm32f10x_hd.s 15503 2011-03-10
串联型稳压电源程序\CORE\startup_stm32f10x_md.s 12765 2011-03-10
串联型稳压电源程序\HARDWARE 0 2019-12-12
串联型稳压电源程序\HARDWARE\ADS1115 0 2019-12-12
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串联型稳压电源程序\HARDWARE\ADS1115\ads1115.h 345 2019-07-29
串联型稳压电源程序\HARDWARE\hwjs 0 2019-12-12
串联型稳压电源程序\HARDWARE\hwjs\hwjs.c 3203 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\HARDWARE\hwjs\hwjs.h 216 2019-09-02
串联型稳压电源程序\HARDWARE\LED 0 2019-12-12
串联型稳压电源程序\HARDWARE\LED\led.c 535 2019-09-19
串联型稳压电源程序\HARDWARE\LED\led.h 609 2019-09-03
串联型稳压电源程序\HARDWARE\OLED 0 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\HARDWARE\OLED\bmp.h 5586 2014-10-26
串联型稳压电源程序\HARDWARE\OLED\oled.c 9595 2019-09-22
串联型稳压电源程序\HARDWARE\OLED\oled.h 2198 2019-09-19
串联型稳压电源程序\HARDWARE\OLED\oledfont.h 13632 2019-09-19
串联型稳压电源程序\HARDWARE\tlc5615 0 2019-12-12
串联型稳压电源程序\HARDWARE\tlc5615\tlc5615.c 2288 2019-09-24
串联型稳压电源程序\HARDWARE\tlc5615\tlc5615.h 156 2019-09-24
串联型稳压电源程序\keilkilll.bat 399 2011-04-23
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ 0 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\ads1115.crf 280499 2020-03-25
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串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\core_cm3.crf 3943 2020-03-25
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串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\delay.d 824 2020-03-25
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串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\hwjs.crf 278937 2020-03-25
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串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\led.o 297432 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\main.crf 290423 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\main.d 1123 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\main.o 309328 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\misc.crf 277471 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\misc.d 783 2020-03-25
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串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_flash.crf 291445 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_flash.d 981 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_flash.o 313624 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_gpio.crf 280969 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_gpio.d 963 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_gpio.o 302464 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_it.crf 276872 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_it.d 857 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_it.o 296408 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_rcc.crf 284539 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_rcc.d 945 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_rcc.o 306964 2020-03-25
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串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_spi.d 945 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_spi.o 303784 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_tim.crf 299552 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_tim.d 945 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_tim.o 331212 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_usart.crf 283072 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_usart.d 981 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\stm32f10x_usart.o 306592 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\sys.crf 277850 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\sys.d 747 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\sys.o 297328 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\system_stm32f10x.crf 278591 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\system_stm32f10x.d 882 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\system_stm32f10x.o 296316 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\tlc5615.crf 283507 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\tlc5615.d 977 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\tlc5615.o 301780 2020-03-25
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串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\串联型稳压电源.build_log.htm 1307 2020-03-25
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串联型稳压电源程序\OBJ\串联型稳压电源_Target 1.dep 25106 2020-03-25
串联型稳压电源程序\STM32F10x_FWLib 0 2019-12-12
串联型稳压电源程序\STM32F10x_FWLib\inc 0 2019-12-12
串联型稳压电源程序\STM32F10x_FWLib\inc\misc.h 8982 2011-03-10
串联型稳压电源程序\STM32F10x_FWLib\inc\stm32f10x_adc.h 21690 2011-03-10
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