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  • Category : GUI Develop
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  • Update : 2020-07-25
  • Size : 2.12mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :azur*****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
a simple spreadsheet which has functions like cut, copy, paste, sort, search, replace and other functions
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
Sheet\cell.cpp 3674 2019-12-22
Sheet\cell.h 672 2019-12-22
Sheet\debug\cell.o 454430 2019-12-22
Sheet\debug\finddialog.o 321772 2019-12-22
Sheet\debug\gotocelldialog.o 320792 2019-12-22
Sheet\debug\main.o 18102 2019-12-26
Sheet\debug\mainwindow.o 639797 2019-12-26
Sheet\debug\moc_finddialog.cpp 4095 2019-12-22
Sheet\debug\moc_finddialog.o 252931 2019-12-22
Sheet\debug\moc_gotocelldialog.cpp 2949 2019-12-22
Sheet\debug\moc_gotocelldialog.o 251510 2019-12-22
Sheet\debug\moc_mainwindow.cpp 3987 2019-12-26
Sheet\debug\moc_mainwindow.o 260288 2019-12-26
Sheet\debug\moc_replacedialog.cpp 4749 2019-12-26
Sheet\debug\moc_replacedialog.o 253954 2019-12-26
Sheet\debug\moc_sortdialog.cpp 2397 2019-12-22
Sheet\debug\moc_sortdialog.o 251123 2019-12-22
Sheet\debug\moc_spreadsheet.cpp 5414 2019-12-26
Sheet\debug\moc_spreadsheet.o 311389 2019-12-26
Sheet\debug\qrc_Sheet.cpp 592199 2019-12-23
Sheet\debug\qrc_Sheet.o 126613 2019-12-23
Sheet\debug\replacedialog.o 325136 2019-12-26
Sheet\debug\Sheet.exe 4175521 2019-12-26
Sheet\debug\sortdialog.o 338794 2019-12-22
Sheet\debug\spreadsheet.o 511552 2019-12-26
Sheet\finddialog.cpp 1752 2019-11-10
Sheet\finddialog.h 643 2019-11-10
Sheet\gotocelldialog.cpp 1310 2019-11-10
Sheet\gotocelldialog.h 402 2019-12-22
Sheet\images\copy.png 1339 2008-01-09
Sheet\images\cut.png 1323 2008-01-09
Sheet\images\find.png 2011 2008-01-09
Sheet\images\gotocell.png 908 2008-01-09
Sheet\images\icon.png 1740 2008-01-09
Sheet\images\new.png 852 2008-01-09
Sheet\images\open.png 2073 2008-01-09
Sheet\images\paste.png 1745 2008-01-09
Sheet\images\save.png 1187 2008-01-09
Sheet\main.cpp 206 2019-12-22
Sheet\mainwindow.cpp 16242 2019-12-26
Sheet\mainwindow.h 2130 2019-12-26
Sheet\Makefile 5839 2019-12-26
Sheet\Makefile.Debug 9458 2019-12-26
Sheet\Makefile.Release 9713 2019-12-26
Sheet\object_script.sheet.Debug 369 2019-12-26
Sheet\object_script.sheet.Release 399 2019-12-26
Sheet\replacedialog.cpp 2882 2019-12-26
Sheet\replacedialog.h 919 2019-12-26
Sheet\ 732 2019-12-26
Sheet\Sheet.qrc 351 2019-12-23
Sheet\sortdialog.cpp 5989 2019-11-13
Sheet\sortdialog.h 878 2019-12-22
Sheet\spreadsheet.cpp 10046 2019-12-27
Sheet\spreadsheet.h 1706 2019-12-26
Sheet\debug 0 2019-12-26
Sheet\images 0 2019-12-26
Sheet\release 0 2019-12-22
Sheet 0 2019-12-26
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