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  • Update : 2021-01-24
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  • Author :RW2***
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Simulate an EEPROM on the N76E003 using the APROM. It allows to store data on the flash memory during execution time.
Packet file list
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APROM as EEPROM\Objects\eeprom.lnp 248 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\Listings\Delay.lst 8085 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\Objects\Delay.obj 85691 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\Listings\eeprom.m51 38273 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\Listings\STARTUP.lst 12635 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\Objects\eeprom.build_log.htm 1366 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\Objects\STARTUP.obj 979 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\Listings\main.lst 7447 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\Objects\eeprom.hex 6892 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\eeprom.uvopt 7206 2018-07-17
APROM as EEPROM\STARTUP.A51 6376 2016-04-01
APROM as EEPROM\Listings\Common.lst 7850 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\Objects\Common.obj 84867 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\Objects\main.obj 90833 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\main.c 3321 2018-07-17
APROM as EEPROM\Listings\LCD_3_Wire.lst 6508 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\Listings\soft_delay.lst 1788 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\eeprom.uvgui.SShahryiar 85257 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\Objects\soft_delay.obj 79434 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\Objects\LCD_3_Wire.obj 87941 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\eeprom.uvgui.Shawon_Nipa 85286 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\Objects\eeprom 423793 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\eeprom.uvproj 15319 2018-07-17
APROM as EEPROM\Startup 0 2018-07-26
APROM as EEPROM\Startup\STARTUP.A51 5237 2017-05-09
APROM as EEPROM\Include 0 2018-07-26
APROM as EEPROM\Include\Common.h 1046 2016-11-18
APROM as EEPROM\Include\Delay.h 275 2017-02-09
APROM as EEPROM\Include\Function_Define.h 39953 2018-07-23
APROM as EEPROM\Include\N76E003.h 6589 2016-12-21
APROM as EEPROM\Include\SFR_Macro.h 48616 2017-12-28
APROM as EEPROM\Common 0 2018-07-26
APROM as EEPROM\Common\Common.c 4542 2017-01-17
APROM as EEPROM\Common\Delay.c 4980 2017-02-09
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries 0 2021-01-24
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\2 Wire LCD 0 2018-07-26
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\2 Wire LCD\LCD_2_Wire.c 2473 2018-05-25
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\2 Wire LCD\LCD_2_Wire.h 1776 2018-05-25
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\2 Wire LCD\PCF8574.c 669 2018-05-25
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\2 Wire LCD\PCF8574.h 304 2018-05-25
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\2 Wire LCD\SW_I2C.c 2524 2018-05-25
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\2 Wire LCD\SW_I2C.h 678 2018-05-25
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\2 Wire LCD (Software Delay) 0 2018-07-26
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\2 Wire LCD (Software Delay)\LCD_2_Wire.c 2463 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\2 Wire LCD (Software Delay)\LCD_2_Wire.h 1772 2018-07-06
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\2 Wire LCD (Software Delay)\PCF8574.c 687 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\2 Wire LCD (Software Delay)\PCF8574.h 304 2018-05-25
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\2 Wire LCD (Software Delay)\SW_I2C.c 2443 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\2 Wire LCD (Software Delay)\SW_I2C.h 678 2018-05-25
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\3 Wire LCD 0 2018-07-26
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\3 Wire LCD\LCD_3_Wire.c 2998 2018-07-16
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\3 Wire LCD\LCD_3_Wire.h 2192 2018-07-16
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\3 Wire LCD (Software Delay) 0 2018-07-26
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\3 Wire LCD (Software Delay)\LCD_3_Wire.c 2964 2018-07-15
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\3 Wire LCD (Software Delay)\LCD_3_Wire.h 2186 2018-07-15
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\DHT11 0 2018-07-26
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\DHT11\DHT11.c 1324 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\DHT11\DHT11.h 316 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\DS1307 0 2018-07-26
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\DS1307\DS1307.c 2172 2018-07-23
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\DS1307\DS1307.h 907 2018-07-23
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\DS18B20 0 2018-07-26
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\DS18B20\DS18B20.c 2128 2018-07-24
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\DS18B20\DS18B20.h 392 2018-07-24
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\DS18B20\one_wire.c 1749 2018-07-24
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\DS18B20\one_wire.h 453 2018-07-24
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\Extended Functions 0 2018-08-06
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\Extended Functions\Extended_Functions.c 11967 2018-07-27
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\Extended Functions\Extended_Functions.h 5065 2018-07-27
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\HMC1022 0 2018-07-26
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\HMC1022\HMC1022.c 2051 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\HMC1022\HMC1022.h 731 2018-07-11
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\I2C 0 2018-07-26
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\I2C\I2C.c 1130 2018-07-23
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\I2C\I2C.h 718 2018-07-23
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\LCD 0 2018-07-26
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\LCD\LCD.c 3059 2018-07-16
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\LCD\LCD.h 2234 2018-07-16
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\LCD (Software Delay) 0 2018-07-26
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\LCD (Software Delay)\LCD.c 3056 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\LCD (Software Delay)\LCD.h 2234 2018-07-16
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\MAX6675 0 2018-07-26
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\MAX6675\MAX6675.c 1895 2018-07-21
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\MAX6675\MAX6675.h 885 2018-07-21
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\MAX7219 0 2018-07-26
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\MAX7219\MAX72xx.c 1076 2018-07-25
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\MAX7219\MAX72xx.h 1449 2018-07-21
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\Software Delay 0 2018-07-26
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\Software Delay\soft_delay.c 363 2018-07-13
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\Software Delay\soft_delay.h 157 2018-07-17
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\TM1640 0 2018-07-26
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\TM1640\font.h 328 2018-05-25
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\TM1640\TM1640.c 1843 2018-07-16
APROM as EEPROM\My_Libraries\TM1640\TM1640.h 1837 2018-07-16
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