Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Packet : inf of com.rar filelist
inf of com
inf of com\mscomm.h
inf of com\LoadDataDlg.h
inf of com\inf of com.rc
inf of com\ButtonST.cpp
inf of com\mscomm.cpp
inf of com\CopyDataDlg.h
inf of com\inf of com.opt
inf of com\ChildFrame.h
inf of com\ReadMe.txt
inf of com\inf of com.h
inf of com\inf of com.cpp
inf of com\StdAfx.h
inf of com\ButtonST.h
inf of com\StdAfx.cpp
inf of com\Resource.h
inf of com\SettingsDlg.h
inf of com\SettingsDlg.cpp
inf of com\SettingDlg.h
inf of com\SettingDlg.cpp
inf of com\inf of com.dsw
inf of com\Release
inf of com\Release\inf of com.res
inf of com\Release\inf of com.pch
inf of com\Release\vc60.idb
inf of com\Release\StdAfx.obj
inf of com\Release\WrapperView.obj
inf of com\Release\FramePreview.obj
inf of com\Release\ChildFrame.obj
inf of com\Release\Setings.obj
inf of com\Release\mscomm.obj
inf of com\Release\LoadDataDlg.obj
inf of com\Release\inf of comDlg.obj
inf of com\Release\inf of com.obj
inf of com\Release\Conmunication.obj
inf of com\Release\ButtonST.obj
inf of com\Release\SettingDlg.obj
inf of com\Release\inf of com.exe
inf of com\inf of comDlg.h
inf of com\CopyDataDlg.cpp
inf of com\inf of com.plg
inf of com\inf of comDlg.cpp
inf of com\inf of com.dsp
inf of com\Setings.cpp
inf of com\Setings.h
inf of com\ChildView.cpp
inf of com\LoadDataDlg.cpp
inf of com\inf of com.clw
inf of com\res
inf of com\res\inf of com.rc2
inf of com\res\inf of com.ico
inf of com\res\BOOK01B.ICO
inf of com\res\stop.ico
inf of com\res\forward.ico
inf of com\res\HAND.ICO
inf of com\res\MISC1056.ICO
inf of com\res\Network Drive Connected.ico
inf of com\res\APPLICAT.ICO
inf of com\res\Open Folder.ico
inf of com\res\OPENFOLD.ICO
inf of com\res\folder open.ico
inf of com\res\ARW05RT.ICO
inf of com\res\TRFFC14.ICO
inf of com\res\folder1.ico
inf of com\res\NETHOOD.ICO
inf of com\inf of com.aps
inf of com\ChildFrame.cpp
inf of com\Conmunication.h
inf of com\Conmunication.cpp
inf of com\FramePreview.h
inf of com\MyPreviewView.h
inf of com\WrapperView.h
inf of com\inf of com.ncb
inf of com\Debug
inf of com\Debug\vc60.idb
inf of com\Debug\inf of com.pch
inf of com\Debug\vc60.pdb
inf of com\Debug\StdAfx.obj
inf of com\Debug\WrapperView.obj
inf of com\Debug\FramePreview.obj
inf of com\Debug\ChildFrame.obj
inf of com\Debug\Setings.obj
inf of com\Debug\mscomm.obj
inf of com\Debug\LoadDataDlg.obj
inf of com\Debug\inf of comDlg.obj
inf of com\Debug\inf of com.obj
inf of com\Debug\ButtonST.obj
inf of com\Debug\Conmunication.obj
inf of com\Debug\SettingDlg.obj
inf of com\Debug\inf of com.ilk
inf of com\Debug\inf of com.exe
inf of com\Debug\inf of com.pdb
inf of com\Debug\CopyDataDlg.obj
inf of com\Debug\inf of com.res
inf of com\FramePreview.cpp
inf of com\WrapperView.cpp
inf of com\ChildView.h