Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
CColor- RGB and HLS combined in one class Th e CColor class emerged from the need to manipula te in the HLS color model, meaning I needed the ability to directly change attributes like luminance or saturation. The H LS model makes it very easy to draw such things as color gradients between any color. Perhaps Win dows 2000 will support the HLS (or the similary H SB) color model, but I do not want to wait until the release. On the other hand my code should also work under a NT 4.0 nd Win95/98. The class encapsulates the CColor long known type COLORREF and extends it with the HLS color model. A CColor object represents a co lor. RGB and HLS whose properties can be directly rea d and manipulated. It makes the use of type COLOR REF and the associated macros superfluous.