Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
UCOS/II for ICCAVR- The version of UCOS/II is 2.04-the original port was done by Ole Saethe r for the IAR compiler. Jens E. Holtegaard porte d one version using ICCAVR. Joerg Meyer did anot her port (using Jens port as a start). This is bas ically Joerg's port plus a little bit of changes a nd documentation by me.- YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THE M AIN PART OF THE UCOS/FROM THE UCOS II/II WEBSITE http :// www.ucos- The supplied project file assumes the portable source is in the .. \ source directory.- Joerg couple has written document showing the stack frames etc.. but it is in German :-) They are included in this directory.- The Ti mer2 overflow interrupt is used for Timer tick. If you want to change that. modify os_cpu_c.c and os_cpu_a.s- I have teste d this using ATMeg